you are a lovely woman, did you know that?
it is really basic. the two kinds of iodine are the elemental(I2) and the reduced salts (iodide). the best iodide for the body is KI. i feel that the best iodine is magnascent. you know the rest about how the breasts and ovaries need the elemental and the thyroid needs KI, etc.
now for the elemental. it comes in three flavors - vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. ha! gotcha! I2 comes as pure crystals which is used for making tinctures and lugols. then there are the two different cayce readings about iodine. both have a tincture in a beaker suspended in an electrolyte solution and having electricity pass through the solution and create an electromagnetic field around the beaker of tincture. one reading says to do this for an hour or so. that is the detoxified I2. this is a misleading designator, but that is what it is called. the magnascent iodine is made according to another reading that has the tincture suspened in the magnetic field for 24 hours (or more, i am not sure).
i dont know all the particulars of what occurs to the iodine. i do know that when i put magnets on my lugols dropper bottle to simulate the magnetic field of the readings using rare earth magnets that i could take a lot more of it without reducing the I2 to a salt. the numbers were 300mgs in the form of lugols without the magnets, up to 600mgs of lugols with the magnets, and above that i had to reduce some of the I2 by putting it in orange juice.
i have experimented enough with the magnascent iodine to know that it is superior to the I2 in lugols. it works better while needing less. thats as far as i have gone with that.
as for KI, i think everyone should have a quart of SSKI in their fridge at all times. it is safe to take in very large amounts per day and is highly effective against a number of pathogens and ailments, particularly related to the lungs. i think everyone could use a gram per day for a few weeks just to see what happens. it did me a lot of good.
so there you have it. not complicated but not simple, either. and definitely not information you will find anywhere else or that is more reliable.