Hello all,
I have been sick for 2 years now. Dizzy, brain fog, eye pain, sensitivity to light, painful spots on my inner forearms, and inner thighs and calves, twitching all over, and stomach pain.
I have had all the tests, Candida, lyme, parasites, blood, colonoscopy, endoscopy ETC… and nothing shows up. I know these are inaccurate. But where do you go from here?
I have done 3 humaworms, liver flushes, enzymes, probiotics, collidal silver,
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , magnesium and other vitamins, and currently taking Grapeseed extract, all with no change.
My question is, I have a large koi pond. And my Koi got
parasites about the same time I started to get sick. I climb in the pond and do a lot of cleaning. Anyone ever heard of getting sick from this? By adding salt to 3 PPM to the pond water, this kills and maintains the
parasites in the pond. Will
Iodine do the same to my body that salt does to my pond? Isn’t salt and
Iodine the same thing?
Where do I get iodine, my local health food store does not sell it?
Any advice or comments would be appreciated.