I am doing well. No nausea when I get up in the morning. Sometimes I am a little thirsty, but most of all my mouth tastes bad. It is horrible. It is one thing I can't stand about fasting is the bad taste in my mouth.
I walked about about 6 miles yesterday and I had more energy then I thought I would have. I think the most toxic stuff is out of my body now so that my body is using energy reserves more and more. It is clean and healthy energy, which makes me feel great.
I drank about 20
oz of water, which is not much, but I wasn't thirsty at all and once in a while a nice cold bottle of water was nice to drink. I am no longer feel as weak as I was last week when I was really creeping by with the fast because I felt so badly. If I was going to end my fast, it would have been last week when the detox systems were the highest for me.
My weight has stablized and remained consistant for a week now, which is good. But I can see that my body is toning up as it is using all its fat reserves that have deposited in my legs and hips. I feel healthier all the way around. I still can't get up too quickly of I get dizzy, but that is expected when you fast. My skin looks clearer and has a radiance to it, which is nice.
My ketones are still running about 80mg so that might be the reason why I don't feel naueous much anymore, but I have only be drinking water. I had one of my neighbor's that I was talking to, offer me a soda, which I declined and said I don't drink the stuff. He offered iced tea, but his wife offered water, which I told her that I would enjoy some water. I only drank a little bit of it, but it was nice to socialize a bit with my neighbors.
No desire to eat yet. No hungry pains telling my body that it is time to eat yet.
I have been sleeping ok. I know with my last fast, I had trouble sleeping at night, but it might be because I work two jobs and my body really needs my rest more since I am not just taking it easy all the time.
I haven't seen any new blemishes breaking out on my back. It is strange. The last time I fasted, I had a huge outbreak that it was so horrible. My whole back was covered and each day, I had new ones. I only got about a dozen which is far less then what I had before. Last night it seems like hundreds. I don't want to speak too soon, but it might mean that I have taken care of my body much better then my last fast, because watching what I put in my body.
I didn't go swimming today because it rained and I didn't want to drive all the way to the beach and have it rain again. I was really looking forward to it, but I will have other oppurtunities to swim this summer. I was just hoping to work my abdominal muscles and my back muscles since they are poor. It is low impact so it would be easier for me to do so on my fast.
Good news I called my father yesterday and talked to him about a half an hour which was good for me since I haven't spoke to him over a year. I was suppose to call him back today around 8 but I have been too upset to really want to talk to him, plus I know him and my step mother went to a wedding today. So they are probably tired from that.
Well, my date with Person B is not going forward. My choice. We had a fight last night about me talking to guys. I must have mentioned that I was talking to some guy I knew or someone said hello to me. I don't know because I am confused about his feelings of being upset over it. He doesn't believe that a woman should be talking to men or socializing them especially when they are seriously dating someone. First, I am not dating him and I told him that it wasn't an issue with me. I told him that he doesn't know me and how I am when I am committed to the person I love. I am faithful to a fault at times. He told me that if it is going to be issue, then we should just end it right here and now. I told him that I would think about it. He asked me Did I have to think about it. I told him no, but I was upset so it was hard not to cry on the phone. I told him again it wasn't an issue with me, it never has been. He acted like he didn't believe me. Then frustrated, I asked him if he wanted me to isolate myself from my friends and live in a plastic bubble. He then just went stoic and said Good night.
Yeah, it hurt and I cried about it. I stopped the best I could because I didn't want to get a mirgraine and lay in bed all day like I did last Sunday. I just waited until morning to email him telling him I didn't have to prove or answer to him for anything, because I am not dating him. I share with him because I choose to, because I like him. And that we could forget about Sunday because the email will probably make him mad because I said that, but I don't need the stress of knowing that in 24 I have a date with him and he doesn't trust me or believe me in that aspect. I was puzzled because I really don't know what happened, but he blew it. And of course, I send that email to him around 1 p.m and it is now a little after 9 p.m and still nothing. No text, no email and no call. Oh well. It depresses me, but I am not in control. God is.
I can say that I am very disappointed because I prepared a lovely little picnic lunch for him. I guess that is where I get hurt the most, I extend my kindness and heart in places where I shouldn't. It is just who I am. I enjoy doing stuff like that for people that I care about. It is just so very hard when people stomp all over it and I wonder why I even try.
I thought about ending my fast today, but I know it is beause I am upset and I shouldn't be irrational about something like this now. I need God to work with me farther so that I am continuing my fast, as the Lord issues.