Start with changing your diet!
And, regardless on what you read in this message, always follow your intuition and your heart first, and then any other guidelines!!!!
Pregnant women have much better intuition then any doctor or any person giving advice. Consider that you body will tell you what is good and what is bad for you!!!!
So, any advice you find in this message, take it with caution, and use it only if your body tells you that it is OK.
LISTEN TO YOUR BODY ALWAYS, especially when it comes to diet, or doing enemas or doing anything that can afect your health. You are now responsible for 2 lifes, so take care of both the best you can. READ BOOKS, good books, talk with people who knows and who have experience (we have selected over 500 good books on this web site) and learn as much as you can...
Preeclampsia and Toxemia can be prevented and diet and lifestyle are the main factors, just as in case of any other serious illness.
DIET (listen to your body always):
Eliminate: refined salt, foods containing refined and concentrated sweeteners (Sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, ... ) coffee, alcohol, artificial sweeteners (Aspartame, Splenda, ...) margarine, processed foods, refined oils (corn oil, soy oil, canola oil, ...), MSG, foods with
preservatives , heated oils, pasteurised/homogenized milk products, meat from corn fed animals, UNORGANIC eggs, industrial SOY products ...
Replace those foods with good foods:
- Natural foods, clean water, Unrefined
Sea Salt , expeller pressed unrefined oils, home made foods, meat from grass fed beef, wild fish (from the clean sea, some area of the sea are very polluted. ), ORGANIC eggs, home made soy products, MISO, ...
Blood Type Diet book and Adjust your diet to your blood type. Read also book about Metabolic typing!
Include in your diet:
- Freshly pressed vegetable juices (choose ORGANIC whenever possible/available)
- Expeller pressed flaxseed oil + cottage cheese (cheese without
preservatives )
Other things to do:
Enema several times a week - make sure you are never NEVER NEVER EVER constipated!
water enema 2 - 3 times a week (any time you do enema, you can add probiotics or home made non-pasteurised yoghurt to enema water)
water enema once a week, with
parasite killing tincture
Clarkia . Add 10 to 20 or even up to 50 drops of
Clarkia into enema water, and inject water into your colon, keep it there for a few min, while massaging your intestines, and then let it out. Do not use probiotics with this enema, you will be wasting them.
coffee enema once or several times a week
- enema can be of great help in pregnancy, but not all women should do it!
Consumong good (minerals rich diet) is essential, if you are doing enemas.
1/2 teaspoon of magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salt) dissolved in 2 litre of water, drink it during a day ... OR ...
Find Natural Mineral water that is high on Magnesium and drink at least 1 litre a day.
When you are constipated, but you can't do an enema, you can fix the problem by taking 2 tbsp of
Epsom Salt dissolved in 2 cups of water, taken with 1 hour apart.
If, after implementing those guidelines, you feel strong and healthy, (and there is no reason why you wouldn't feel that way ) then Walk every day (clean air), at least few km.
If, after implementing those guidelines, you feel OK, try also Liver flush.
Read about
Liver Flush on
Liver Flush Forum , and all messages on Pregnancy forum. Try to get in touch with other pregnant women who are doing liver flush!
and keep us informed about your progress to health ...