I would like to hear some ideas concerning what may be wrong with my daughter. She's 25 years old, married with 2 children. She has Endometriosis and is almost constant pain. But, especially during her period - she's just doubled over with pain. Nothing the doctors give her helps the pain and she's basically in bed with a heating pad during those times. But, since last April she has been experiencing dizziness, spinning room, tingling hands and feet and then she faints. She gets several spells a month, sometimes once a week. This happened last night at work (she's a waitress) and she passed out in the restaurant. They took her to the ER and she was there for 5 hours. They readily admit they don't know what's wrong. She's seen many doctors from GP's, to GYN's (had lapro surgery for Endo and couple months ago - it didn't do any good), sleep doctors (because she can't sleep either - maybe 1-2 hours a night). She's had CAT scans because one doctor said she might have tumors in her brain since she blacks out and ALSO, (forgot to mention) has headaches all the time. She's had EKG's, the testing for diabetes/hyper-glycemia - all negative. One doctor put her on Zolof because he said she was having anxiety attacks. This medicine does nothing. NO pain pills work for her Endo - she's tried a whole lot of them.
I grant you she does have anxiety because she doesn't know what's wrong with her. She's recently seen a Naturapathic Doctor who is also a Master Herbalist. She found that she is very acidic. She has NO minerals in her body. The MH told me today that she has 0 buffers in her body to help heal her from anything. She doesn't metablize any food or supplements. She put her on a strict raw veggie and fruit diet, just the alkaline ones. She wants her to eat them raw, but she gets nauseated when eating raw, so she has to cook them. She also has her on about 40 herbs and supplements a day.
All of the above to say that I have a really ill daughter that, when it comes right down to it, no one knows what's wrong. Is there anyone here that can give me some ideas where to start? I guess I should say where to continue because we've started but haven't gotten anywhere.
Thank you all in advance for ANY ideas and help you can give us.