I met up with a cheif medical advisor and he says Morgellons is not new, but very old parasite. But it falls under differant names, in the old medicine books. He says only docters with 20+ years of service, and maybe even only those that specialized in dermatology would know about it.
He says we are getting crap, because it has been reclisified according to its genetic make up.
I have a meeting with him coming up and he is going to view all my images and I will share what I learn.
He already told me the internal mite that I have, in my
parasite foulder, is a culture mite, from dairies....although it usualy lives in lives in cheese factories and eats up the product. I googled it and there it was.
So I have cheese mites living in my mean they are living, breeding and laying eggs and the eggs are hatching "inside" my bodie.
The good news for me, is he says he can help me. So then I can share with you what he prescribes, but getting a docter to beleive you need these things, will be another battle, but we can keep trying.
We will see.