I have been doing a 3 part procedure to help with a tooth abcess and I think I at beating it!!
I used raw garlic pressed against the tooth to burn out the infection. I peeled the garlic back and pressed it against the gum of a lower tooth, and had the unpeeled side against my lip. I burnt my lip with the garlic the first time I tried this, so the unpeeled side should be against any flesh you don't want to burn.
I uses tea tree oil after using the garlic to keep the area clean. I rubbed a small amount of tea tree oil purchased from Wal Mart for 6 dollars into the sore gum area and then rinsed my mouth with water, swishing the tea tree oil/water solution for 30 seconds or so.
Then, I would place a sesame oil soaked piece of tissue next to the gum for extended periods of time. I also did oil swishing.
It has taken me since my last post a few weeks ago to reverse my condition. I had a very very bad abcess. I would have surely had to have had a
root canal done on this.There is no pain now and the gum is healing. It looked like death a week ago.
I am going to the dentist on Monfay to have it checked but I feel confident that I will be able to avoid a root canal. It took diligent work and lots of garlic, tea tree and swishing but I am doing better.