You can't cure heart the way docs want you to believe is possible. If you have a problem in your chest area, the fist on the list of the organs that need to be fixed is not a heart, it is GI tract.
Most of the food we eat gets absorbed in the small intestine and most of the liquid gets absorbed in the large intestine.
All of the venous blood returning from the small intestine, stomach, pancreas and spleen converges into the portal vein.
All blood from the portal vein goes into liver.
75% of the blood entering the liver is venous blood from the portal vein.
Liver is the main organ inside human body who's function is to process substances that are 'foreign' to our body and to make them "friendly".
After blood have been processed inside liver, it goes into the heart, and heart pumps it into the rest of the body.
Thirty per cent of the blood pumped through the heart in one minute passes through the body's chemical factory, the liver. The
Liver Cleanses the blood and processes nutritional molecules, which are distributed to the tissues. The liver also receives bright red blood from the lungs, filled with vital oxygen to be delivered to the heart.
The only part of the body which receives more blood than the liver is the brain. The liver is located at the top of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm and has two main lobes. It is the largest gland in the body, weighing 2.5 to 3.3 pounds. When we eat, more blood is diverted to the intestines to deal with digestive processes; when not eating, three-fourths of the blood supply to the liver comes from the intestines. It also produces about two and one-half pints of bile in its ducts, which is delivered to the gallbladder through a small tube called the "cystic duct" for storage.
"Liver" is probably an appropriate name for this gland, which makes the important decision as to whether incoming substances are useful to the body or whether they are waste.
The liver also synthesizes triglycerides and cholesterol, breaks down fatty acids, and produces plasma proteins necessary for the clotting of blood, such as clotting factors I, III, V, VII, IX and XI. The liver also produces bile salts and excretes bilirubin.
Liver gets "first pickings" of everything absorbed in the small intestine, which is where virtually all nutrients are absorbed. So, it is liver's job to process all the foods that your intestines have been absorbing.
When people have problems and symptoms in their chest area, do not look at the heart. Heart is not a cause of the problem, heart is the consequence of the problem.
Most problems can be fixed with improved lifestyle, improved diet, motion,
parasites cleanse, bowel cleanse, dental cleanup,
kidney cleanse and liver cleanse ...
All those steps are explained on this web site.
Hellinger's therapy is also very important for people with chest problems ...