It helps to read up a little on the whole
parasite problem, and right here on this board is a very good start.
If you did read, you'd find out that getting a positive result from your test is a blessing. Most of us get a negative test, which usually means that
parasites have spread throughout the body and have left bowels. How do you fight a
parasite whose name you don't even know? That's what most of us here are dealing with. So you are golden, and have no reason to be sad.
Next thing you'd learn here is that natural remediea and antihelmitinthics like
Black-Walnut hull extract, and other stuff is OK only for minor parasites, usually those which are not microscopic and certainly those whic have not disseminated. From my experience, those
parasites that tend to give most trouble are the same ones that herbs can't help at all. Not even a little bit. The only natural thing that may help is castor oil, mostly as castor oil packs across abdomen, but I doubt that it would cure it.
In the end, you will most likely use pharmaceutical drug to get rid of them, but no one should guess which ones until you tell us what type of
parasite was discoevered in your test. Some antihelminthic drugs are well targeted against some types of
parasites so the choices are not many, but they are pretty good. And then there are some parasites which have no cure too, but let's hope for now that that's not your case.
Cheer up and be happy that you at least KNOW what you are up against. That puts you way ahead of most of us here. Imagine if you had problems and all your tests were negative, and people started calling you crazy...