Greetings -
Good questions (and I've got some very positive answers for you!).
First, to clarify, I think perhaps you misinterpreted (or mistyped) on the dosage of Cayenne Tinture...I'm sure that's 3-4 droppersFUL, 3 times daily - not 3-4 drops. My hubby n' myself take 2 droppersful several times a day just for 'general purposes'.
If the alcohol is a concern (which it really doesn't need to be in such small amounts), you can put the tincture in a small glass or cup, and splash some boiling water on it. That'll cause the alcohol to evaporate and you'll be left with just the herb. BUT, the alcohol absorbs through the lining of the stomach, blasting the cayenne immediately into the bloodstream. To get enough cayenne to be therapeutic (if you're going to do the 'boiling water' thing), it'd probably be more beneficial to use the powder, and take that several times daily (starting at 1/8 teaspoon several times a day and working up to a teaspoon or tablespoon several times a day...but that might take some 'working up to'). Also, it'd be FAR less expensive to use the powder.
Read this (especially the last part) for more information on safety of alcohol in tinctures:
A/I Hep & Cirrhosis - both can be cured with Milk Thistle seed!!! Schulze has Milk Thistle in his Liver Tincture (but you'd go broke buying enough tincture to get enough Milk Thistle to do the job). You can buy organic Milk Thistle seed at either of these two places.
Pacific Botanicals - Welcome
Mountain Rose Herbs | Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oils
The recommended dosage is 1-3 tablespoons daily (and in your shape, I highly recommend the three). It can be mixed with your daily Superfood (it's virtually tasteless) and you'll probably feel/sense the positive benefits within a few days!
Here's a Google search on 'milk thistle' and cirrhosis or hepatitis...check it out to see all the wonderful benefits of milk thistle for both - I'm sure you'll be VERY encouraged!!
It's fantastic that you're not having a biopsy!! You'll heal much faster (and prevent possible spreading) without one. But you need to start getting serious about treating it as soon as possible.
I just did a quick check on your posting history, and I can't tell what cleanses you've done or what you're currently doing for vital nutrition.
But here's what you need to do ASAP if you haven't already done it -
-Start taking Superfood! No matter HOW good your diet is, there's no way you can get the nutrition your body needs to heal itself without supplementing with a GOOD Superfood product. You need to take at least 4 tablespoons daily. (When your body needs to fight & heal, you've got to give it the fuel it needs!)
--If you haven't done a thorough colon cleanse, start one yesterday (of course,
Dr. Schulze s IF#1 & IF#2 are the way to go for colon cleansing. In order for any organism to sustain healthy life, it has to be able to assimilate nutrients and rid itself of waste efficiently. An intestinal tract that hasn't ever been cleansed, can do neither...and you NEED to be be able to assimilate everything you're taking, as well as efficiently eliminating toxins.
--Activated Charcoal Slurries. Taking activated charcoal daily will take a HUGE burden off your liver, and start pulling toxins to itself and out of your body and they'll be eliminated through the feces. People have cured cancer many times by just using Activated Charcoal alone! In your situation with a comprised liver, I think it's essential. Read more about that here:
(tons of links)
(myths about charcoal)
The cheapest place I've found to buy it:
--Make sure you are drinking plenty of water daily. Take your body weight, divide it by two...that's the amount of
ounces of water you need daily to adequately hydrate yourself.
--Liver cleansing/flushing is something that you really need to consider doing fairly quickly...but you might want to give the Milk Thistle a bit of time to do some healing first. I don't know what
Dr. Schulze would say about that (as he had EVERY patient with cancer -even/especially liver cancer- doing FULL flushes right off the bat (not his typical 5-day flush) but one where you drink 1/2-1 cup of olive oil and 1/2-1 cup of lemon juice before going to bed (1/4 of it every 15-30 minutes)...along with the liver tincture several times daily.
--Start doing hot/cold contrast therapy to the 'lump area' as many times daily as possible. In the shower with a hand-held shower is best/easiest for that hot/cold as you can make it/stand it, switching from hot to cold to hot about every 60 seconds. The purpose is to force healing blood to & from the area...and that's another thing can can cause a tumor/lump to dissipate VERY quickly.
--JUICE FASTING, and here's why:
And here's some GREAT news! You can get the IF#1/IF#2, Superfood, Cayenne (tincture or powder), Liver tincture (and many other Schulze products/equivalents) all at great discounts through Curezone's own 'discount lady', here's her contact info:
She ships REALLY fast and she's a great lady!
I've just now taken the time to review a few of your pasts posts, and see that you seem to be having 'a time' coming up with a regime that'll work for you. I highly recommend
Dr. Schulze s Incurables Program - you can read all about it here:
If you want more information on the Incurables Program, there's a lot of folks on this forum that can assist you (I'm ALWAYS short on time, so I don't when/if I'll be back to respond, assuming you respond, lol). Also, you can always email me and I'll do my best to get back to you (or perhaps you'd like to chat on the phone?). My mother-in-law cured herself of terminal Stage IV liver cancer (mostly via Dr. Kelley's protocol, but also using some of Gersons), so I've studied many cancer protocols in-depth. Dr. Schulze doesn't utilize coffee enemas, but they're a very effective way to cleanse & restore the liver...and something I think you should consider adding to your protocol.
Of course, there's MANY more aspects to the Incurables Protocol than what I mentioned/suggested here, but the things I recommended above would be exactly what I would consider imperative if it was me (or anyone in my family, or anyone I was 'coaching').
You CAN heal yourself and live a life of vibrant & joyous health - there is NO SUCH THING as an 'incurable disease' and that's been proven by Dr. Schulze (and several other great healers of this century) hundreds of thousands of times!
Healthiest of blessings -