military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy
As recently as 2005, Kiss The Boys Goodbye was a double-set CD of wartime tunes. In 1938 it was the name of a broadway comedy portraying Civil War era high-class hijinks attributed to none other than the eventual Grand Dame Anna Clare Booth Brokaw Luce, better known in latter years as Clare Booth, eventual wife of Henry Luce. Who or what was Henry Luce? In 1963 he was said to be an illuminatus & media bigshot. How big? Big enough to have the influence and wherewithal to purchase the original Zapruder film during a time in America when neither the average Mr and Mrs American nor (supposedly) their agents protecting the public trust by way of the free press, knew that such a movie had been filmed and would not know until many months had passed, many months during which, if so inclined, Luce had ample time to store the film in one of his vaults and, as it suited him, take it out to play with on occasion. Eventually the vault was opened and said original was set loose, so we have been told, to be cut, chopped, refinished, retouched - for clarity .... in the interests of the public trust, you see? - and eventually farmed out to the public by way of various channels of informal syndication.
In the early 40's, Hollywood picked up the title and put it to film big screen style. At some point over the intervening years it became a somewhat trendy beverage made up of egg white, brandy, lime juice and sloe gin. In 1990 the title was used by Monika and William Stevenson in their book alleging forsaken Viet Nam POWs; Kiss The Boys Goodbye - How The US Betrayed It's Own POWs. Therein the Stevensons credit Woodward & Bernstein's 1976 book - The Final Days as the original source that leaked the aforementioned quote to the public; documented as having been made in 1973 during a White House conversation between Kissinger and Alex Haig.
With all of these seemingly stray forces having come together unwittingly or not, it is difficult to get a fix on where the truth might start and the collective media's handling of it end. At the one extreme, the Luce's potential connections in all of this, curious at that, at least at the surface appears nothing more than happen chance or "coincidence". Clare's bio indicates she first began cutting her Grand Dame's wings as a stage actress turned writer turned managing editor for socialites' magazines turned divorcee turned Mrs Booth. It was at this point that taking on a more serious role in coupling politics to her flare for socializing that her prominence really began to take off in earnest. At the other extreme, the double CD's worth of WWII tunes appears simply as that; just another commercial effort by industry to squeeze a bit more cash out of the remnants of sentiment for an old war cow. The Stevenson's work has over the years come under attack from various quarters. As such, if there is serious doubt over the credibility of their main allegations - that American POWs in Viet Nam still (at that time) existed in appreciable numbers largely because their country had betrayed them to that fate there is likely to be serious doubt for the credibility of other statements made in their book; like the crediting of the aforementioned quote. Final Days was from the get go publicized as though a credible work documenting actual & critical events that transpired during the final days of the Nixon administration. In other words, this work attempted to lend credibility to the official Watergate story as it was characterized from the moment it was first broadcast into the public consciousness. Whether or not there was (then) or is (today) serious doubt among an appreciable number of people for the credibility of Last Days, there should be. By extension, is it possible the aforementioned statement as quoted never occurred?
One thing remains safe to say. At best, Henry Kissinger is (and has long been) a deranged personality of magnanimous renown; a magnanimous retard who has, unfortunately for the people at large, been allowed by his handlers to wield influence on a global stage, over many years, over the people at large, I mean this in the true clinical sense of the word, not in the popularized politically correct sense that has in recent years rendered this otherwise perfectly fine word to near-verboten status. At worst he is a demented criminal and psychopath of the worst sort that has belonged in captivity, under close watch and heavy sedation since practically the day he was hatched and subsequently trotted before the public to speak as though worthy of paying attention to on matters of grave intrigue. Articles found at approximately 15 separate web sites were browsed somewhat quickly in assembling the above medley of information..... round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows.... but for my spin, here is a choice sample that gives a semblance of fitting recognition to the impish persona known as Kissinger. That I have no sense for this article's credibility makes it all the more fitting.
Neither am I a big fan of PP and AJ. To repeat something I've said in the past, my opinion is that they do put out some good information, often drenched in hysteria. They also put out a fair amount of partial truths. There are certain topics they will not delve into very deeply, conspirators they will not discuss beyond casual mention. This makes them very mainstream-like. MSM is rotten not just because of the slanted news they do report, but equally for all the news they won't report and are, in unison, totally silent on. Anyway, PP and AJ might occasionally provide the necessary boot - as in kick, to the occasional conspiracy newby possibly on the fence but still reluctant to go down the rabbit hole to see and investigate further on their own what kind of stuff is to be found down there.
I had mentioned multiple (15 or so) web sites quickly browsed. The lead into all of that had been listening to the first 2/3 of a 3 hour interview recently done by AJ of Jordan Maxwell. This is a follow up to another interview also done with Jordan. The link to the one is copied below but this is to Megaupload. I do not have a link to play the audio directly from a web site. Must first download (requires typing in a simple password, waiting 45 seconds or so, then download, play. Anyway, Jordan enters around minute 51. Kiss The Boys Goodbye then becomes one of numerous topics mentioned during his first 30-60 minutes being interviewed. Along the way Jordan is given a bit of chance to discuss one of his forte's; 45 years of studying societies steeped in occult. The problem is, AJ tends to interrupt often and repeatedly. This is pretty good showcase of how AJ puts on a good front of being the self proclaimed hero exposer who turns out to be doing a pretty good job of guiding and gatekeeping his interviewee. Still, there are some good nuggets in this interview that a person can then go off on their own to possibly find out on their own what is what. Here are two interesting tidbits from Maxwell's site.
The first are comments made by Barb Bush on (I think) Larry King with regards to the question / concern for the body bags coming home from Iraq. I think she made this statement in 2003 not long after the decision to invade. "Why should we worry about body bags and deaths ... ? Its not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?"
The second is an overhead view of St Peter's Square, which actually looks more like a keyhole than a square. In the very center of this hole is found the symbol that looks the spitting image of ..... the Union Jack. The actual union jack flag is inserted only for comparison .... St Pete's does not contain one this overtly ;)
3 Hour Interview by AJ, Maxwell enters at 51 minute Mark:
EDIT - sorry, the Megauplink link seems to be one of those that is not allowed to be posted / reposted. It does not work. I'll look for an alternative.
EDIT 2 - this interview seems to be widely available via Torrents, but not so many on MP3. Here is an MP3 site that might work.