Hi Dear,
Yes, i can relate. It happened to me as well and i have pinned down the cause of my occurance. Here is what is happening in terms of green mass: I have been taking powdered zeolite, which is what colors just about everything it touches - GREEN. Especially Oil or oily materials. I bought the clay: the pure zeolite powder, the mediteranian variety. What i did was, I mixed it with Milk Whey and drank a heaping teaspoon-full of it in the Whey first thing in the morning. Next thing i know, a few hours later my excrements are completely DARK GREEN. No matter what i eat or even if i don't eat anything, as long as I take the zeolite/clay powder, my excrement is green. So, i mixed some oil in a glass with the zeolite, as an experiment and guess what i see, the same Green color, and I mean really interesting Green, not like the
Gallstones green, but more like a dark kelly-green. Also, i think the green poo is a good thing because along with it, many weird things come out ;) I am thinking of mixing my zeolite with psyllium next time, to intensify the reaction.
Lots of Blessings to you,