thanks heaps for your info. i am planning on taking something for candida at same time and also will be on strictly vegetables and few nuts, flax oil etc while on
Antibiotics and am going to do laxative thing before hand. havnt heard of the other thing u mentioned to take but will research it.
my appointmnet is on Nov 15th and it will prob take a couple of weeks to get
Antibiotics sent to NZ.(doctor here would give them to me, but cant get them here) I am actually going to hold off
Antibiotics till after christmas as I am working fulltime, but i get six weeks hoildays in dec and january (being teacher has its perks when ill) so i fiqure i will wait till then so i dont have to worry about side efects, can sleep when i need to etc, and really concentrate on getting better. i will most definalty let everyone no how i go.
i am then going to supercharge my body with every known probiotic known, kefir, yoghurt, kombucha, probiotic capsules etc etc, plus what ever else, may do
colonics if need to and may do humanworms whole cleanse as i think he sends everywhere. the main thing is getting rid of blasto, candida is easier to deal with as i have got rid of it before, but back now cause the blasto keeps killing my good guys...
i take it u have blasto? are u going to do the drugs yourslef then? i have tried every herb known to man kind, so this is it antibiotics, oh joy....not..