Hello all. Things have been wonderful. I broke my fast on day 8, and have been feeling wonderful. I was starting to think that I would go to completion with my fast, however, some things ran through my mind that day, and I realized some very important things that day. I wont bore you with them, however, one of the things that I decided was that I did not want to continue my fast so long just yet - mostly for familial reasons. I know that with a little more education, my family will support me in this. This 8 day fast helped my husband out too "See husband, I went 8 days without food, and I am still alive, AND I feel really good" so he will not be so worried about it. I broke my fast with a plum, and it was delicious, though not as good as one would expect. It is a realization I suppose we all come to while fasting.
I am quoting Bella Lucia here: "Food is just food."
I lost a total of 10lbs. and am what I feel my best at: 115. Since then, I have been eating a lot of fruits and salads. I prefer the salads. I am so glad that there were posts about overeating after fasting because, once I started eating - every other thought that came into my head was food. It has subsided, though, and I am feeling better. Sadly I must confess my guilt to you all: I had some coffee. Yes, yes, I know. I could say "I wont have any more" or "I am not going to drink it as much from now on" but those words are not important. I am the creator of my world, and as long as I choose to allow bad things in it, I will suffer. By that extension, if I am choosing bad things, I must want to suffer, which of course I do not, and so the inevitable solution to achieve the desired results, is to rid myself of bad things - or at least those which would cause me harm. It is a block in my path, but I assure you friends - I will move it. So for now, thank you all who supported me, and Blessed be. Motherweary.
Post scriipt:how long should I wait before venturing into my next fast? It will be longer, perhaps to completion, so how long should I build my stores back up?