I'm so sorry to hear of your all too typical experience & symptoms with aspartame! And it most certainly didn't happen because there's something wrong with you. In fact, the healthier I become, the STRONGER my reactions become to poisons & toxins. Here's what I would do in your situation.
First, I'd do everything I could to make sure there's no residual
Aspartame in my body...this can be done by utilizing
Bentonite clay and/or activated charcoal (mixed in water or juice to make a 'slurry', several times a day Both of these substances 'adsorb' chemical toxins (drawing them to themselves magnetically/electrically), and the 'pull' is so effective, that they will pull poisons & chemicals to themselves right through the walls of the digestive tract. And all the toxins will be expelled in the bowel movement. The other thing that will occur, is that all OTHER toxins in your body will be adsorbed (to some degree or another) and this will take a HUGE burden off your body, giving it far more energy to restore and heal itself.
I suggest swishing the clay or charcoal slurry around in your mouth (for say 30-60 seconds with each slurry) - that might give you some immediate relief in that area all by itself.
The only possible side-effect to either of these is constipation. Each slurry should be followed by 8-16
ounces of pure water to help prevent constipation...and if you're not already regular, you might consider adding an herbal laxative (or easier/cheaper yet, a couple of servings of good ole prune juice daily). If I were you, I'd take a minimum of 4 doses daily. I'd probably do both, and alternate them.
This page (a whole page of using activated charcoal links & sites!) is a great starting point for learning.
The only thing you want to avoid is activated charcoal tablet (they're just not very effective). Stick with the slurries for fastest/best results, or use capsules as a second-best.
Bentonite clay is also as easy as mixing a tablespoon with some water or juice and drinking it. If you'd like to learn more about bentonite, just do a google search. Here's one of my favorite
Bentonite sites:
As far as the other advice (regarding various supplements/amino acids), I don't disagree (entirely) that they might give you some relief. However, I would like to add that I don't believe in supplementing the body (especially when it's already off balance) with 'unknown quantities' of various things. I prefer truly natural 'natural healing', and in this case, that's giving the body plenty of what it needs in the form of natural food (or better yet, fresh juice) that it can readily assimilate OR easily 'dismiss', and then letting the body utilize all the 'ingredients' in the way it KNOWS it needs them.
Read this to for great understanding:
I guarantee you, even a short juice fast will be extremely of 15 days or longer will most likely restore you body entirely.
As far as 'supplements', I recommend things I know that could actually effect a true cure, and in the case of neurological issues that's anything that increases the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the brain. And those are cayenne and ginkgo biloba. Cayenne also stops bleeding and helps if I were you, I'd consider it a 'must'.
If you decide to utilize either, make sure you get a totally organic, whole plant tincture - NO isolated extracts. And for most effectiveness (and value for the buck) the cayenne tincture needs to have a Scoville Heat Unit rating of 200,000 or above.
You can get the cayenne tincture at either of these sources online:
Southern Botanicals//Health Freedom Resources
Or at a discount from Chris (who has a small co-op and extends it to all CZ members) Schulze doesn't wholesale his cayenne tincture, but HFR does. You can contact her here:
The best Gingko tincture on the market can be purchased here:
The absolute BEST tinctures are those you make yourself, as nobody 'out there' in mass production can afford to let their tinctures 'tincture' for more than 2 weeks, (and having made my own tinctures and compared them to the best on the market, I sincerely doubt anybody really tinctures theirs for two weeks). CZ posting rules prevent me from saying much of anything else about my tinctures, but if you want to know more about them, you can email me.
Basically, if I were in your shoes, that's what I'd be doing...along with drinking PLENTY of pure water daily! If the blood is thick and sludgy and all your organs are shriveled and dehydrated, it takes forever for your body to restore itself. Oh yes, I always also HIGHLY recommend that you take double doses of some type of organic Superfood daily. How is the body to heal if it's not getting the 'fuel' (various nutrients) it needs. Here's more on that:
(Your superfood doesn't have to be Schulzes, in fact, I don't care for his 'new & improved' version at all. There's lots of different Superfoods on the market and Chris can get you either that she has for a good discount).
Blankets of blessings -