"Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess
over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of
subordinate governments, to which the people are attached and by
which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against
the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which
a simple government of any form can admit of." James Madison 1788
So the grand plan is to dumb down America through fluoride in the drinking water. The Germans in WWII and Russians under Stalin, proved without a doubt that feeding humans Fluorides, makes them as docile as cows.
Almost the entire liberal-left Weltanschauung is predicated on portraying every group in America except white, male, heterosexual Christians as oppressed. Women are oppressed by men. Blacks and Hispanics are oppressed by whites. Gays are oppressed by straights. Non-Christians are oppressed by Christians. Of course, the fact is that American women have more opportunity and more equality than just about any women in the world today and certainly in history. Moreover, if either sex is ‘oppressed’ today, it is far more likely to be males. If women were incarcerated, let alone murdered, as disproportionately as men are; if only 40 percent of those getting a bachelor’s degree were female; if girls dropped out of high school at the rate males do, there would be a national outcry. It is men who are, in fact, suffering... What this thinking leads to is girls and women seeing themselves as victims, and almost as often to the emasculation of boys. (And then women looking to marry a man wonder where all the masculine men are)
Once the young men are all emasculated and docile, the liberals in Congress along with the President will revoke the 2nd amendment and make gun ownership a crime. The Old warriors and the new will look at eac other and say WTF.
"Don't fire unless fired upon. But if they want a war let it
begin here." Capt John Parker, Lexington, MA
Is that what things will become.