although im no doctor i have suffered from this desiese for about 6 years. the problem with this desiese in general is that there is no known cause although many plausible causes have been seen to several patients - for example sunlight, pool water, severe sweating, stress and some kinds of soaps and hand creams(generally antibacterial products).
my experience with this condition is that my outbreaks only takes place during the summer. i am not sure if this is linked to sunlight. (for those who might have outbreaks during the summer: sun lotion can in some cases help preventing/minimalizing an outbreak but the usage of sun lotion must start BEFORE your outbreak.)
the condition is not contagious (im 95% sure)
my outbreaks tend to be focused between my fingers mostly on my right hand. if i start scratching in the early states of an outbreak the blisters will itch back, but if i leave them alone they will build into fewer and bigger blisters.
i also get a few blisters on my feet, but they are not serious and doesent "paralyze" me like the outbreaks on my hands. leave them alone and you will be fine.
on the other hand there is a good side to this desise: you can somewhat control your outbreak by taking precautions. first and most important DO NOT SCRATCH THE BLISTERS! doing this will greatly enlarge your outbreak. you need to be 100% focused to don't to this at all!
in a couple of days the blisters will built into bigger blisters. they will built up pressure which will hurt. i usually stick a hole in the ones that hurt. this will take the pressure off and they will releave you off some pain. the smaller ones you should leave alone. they seem to heal best that way.
warm water can seem quite stimulating but this can also worsen your outbreak.i use a rubber glove and some tape in the shower. try to keep the blisters as dry as possible and also let them breath! dont cover them up unnecessarily.
i did get some antibacterial cream from the doctor last year, but this did not work at all. it left my skin irritated and dry and with open flesh wounds.(not very good)
but there are some creams available which are supposed to help, i also have some allergic medicine which is supposed to help. your doctor or a skin specialist might be able to help you with this.
i do hope this paragraphs can help someone out there which are suffering from some of the same things i go through.
good luck and be better soon!!
Eirik Dahl