Good morning Sniff it seems to me that you are dealing with yeast overgrowth, parasites, low stomach acid, candida, weak digestion, and
Iodine deficiencies correct?
You are entirely taking to much stuff for one and two I think you need to attack the body one organ at a time where as this can put stress on your other organs.
With all this yeast die offs sniff I recognize you arent repopulated your body which means it's easy for the yeast to return.
Where is your mulivitamins? Magnesium?
I HIGHLy suggest you look into l-Taurine,N-acetyl glucosamine,Alive! Multivitamin,
Neem Oil, & Nigari "Tofu" for magnesium transdermal.
Taurine strenghtens liver, thyroid, kidney, digestion, lymph, etc.
Alive mulivitamin are great for a daily multivitamin tonic that has EVERYTHING needed
N-acetyl glucosamine prevents yeast overgrowth and heals LGS
Neem Oil kills
parasites and expels candida yeast
Nigari Oil "Tofu" replenishes body with %100 Magnesium You can also do Nigari Oil as a foot bath.
NOTE: Thyroid problems are because you are low in taurine and vitamin bs plus lack several nutrients that support the thyroid like magnesium, etc...
I hope I helped (smile)