located cicatricial alopecia after roughly 9months it started on my head's top. no itching or pain.
biopsy found Lichen planopilaris (LPP) type of cicatricial alopecia
Cut wheat completelly to test (I was eating a bread a day + pastries before) and in 1 week all white/low/kind of stucj CRUSTS disappeared and color pattern of space between hair loss area was now similar to healthly areas. I found wheeat even in my aubrey organics shaving cream, so i ditched this a month later.
In parallel, but only after the crust disappeared, i started DOXY twice a day 100mg (6 months will be total), I also wanted to shave, compared month 1 with 2 and it appeared it stopped expanding or it's not visible when comparing pics. Still some redish-light color, so did again (2nd time) injections in scalp (kenalog?), I also got some anti-inflamatory liguid drops on my scalp (when i remember). I guess time will tell what the cause was, but I suspect the wheat, and stress I experiences at work last year. Be proud of yourself and raise your self-esteem, and cut the wheat as per wheat belly book (what you can eat page) and see what happens. I did not had any regrowth, so I will see where I can buy this silver water to test. Success to all, and you know, I'd like to know how long it took other people to notice it (go to doctor) and to stop the spread. Support between ourselves is paramount.