montana girl
I am 53 years old, post menopausal with an underactive thyroid. I'm on Synthroid and just had to have my meds increased from .137 mg to .175 mg. I have read where water retention is one of the problems with an underactive thyroid. I have noticed when I weigh myself in the morning I'll be at my lower weight, then a few days later I'll weigh myself again, and I've gained 5 to 6
pounds like over night. Then I'll weigh myself again in a couple of days and I'm back to the lower weight.
I started dieting the beginning of this year, so far have lost 20 pounds, but now everything has come to a standstill before my meds had to be increased. I asked my doctor about taking diuretics for the water gain. He didn't advise I do that, and since I don't have high blood pressure, there is no need for him to prescribe such meds for me at this time.
What methods are there to get rid of water weight gain? I heard something about drinking lemon juice with 1
oz. of aloe vera gel, can't remember what the other item is. Anyway, any information for a natural type of diuretic would be appreciated.