Hello North Star,
I'm a licensed acupuncturist in NY, NJ and will be glad to help to clarify some things here a little.
You were absolutely right about the definition of electroacupuncture. Electroacupuncture is a form of acupuncture in which pairs of acupuncture needles inserted into the acupuncture points are attached to a device that generates continuous electric pulses between them. Let me quote here:
"Electroacupuncture is quite similar to traditional acupuncture in that the same points are stimulated during treatment. As with traditional acupuncture, needles are inserted on specific points along the body. The needles are then attached to a device that generates continuous electric pulses using small clips. These devices are used to adjust the frequency and intensity of the impulse being delivered, depending on the condition being treated. Electroacupuncture uses two needles at time so that the impulses can pass from one needle to the other. Several pairs of needles can be stimulated simultaneously, usually for no more than 30 minutes at a time."
So, basically, there should be a needle insertion present for it to be a proper acupuncture treatment, since the word itself originates from Latin acus, "needle", and pungere, "prick".
In modern acupuncture practice electroacupuncture used mostly for acute and/or chronic pain conditions, as well as for post-stroke recovery and paralyses.
It is used for conditions such as TMJ, although it's definately not the only choice in an acupuncture office setting.
I would highly recommend people looking for the alternative therapy options to make sure that practitioner they are going to has a proper education, has been licensed in the state he or she is practicing in and, preferrably, be a Nationally Board Certified in the field of their practice.