Yeah, I agree with calmvoice in the sense that its not worth worrying about how every part of daily life will affect your lips. We have already established that stress makes the lips worse, I think its best just to go about your daily routine without worrying about your lips as much as possible. If they feel irritated, dry or like they are about to crack then go apply some lotion but other than that try to forget about your lips.
Another tip I can offer you that helps me is take skin off whenever it turns white and is loose. Only peel when your lips are wet and the skin is white. Make sure you gently RUB the skin off, don't pick or peel your lips. If some of the white skin seems to still be attached and doesn't want to come off then just leave it.. it will reattach to the lip once everything drys.
Other than that find a good natural lotion to apply, if you want some recommendations just lemme know,