Oh, how I wish I had figured that out by your age!
...That we get MORE of what we focus on...and LESS of what we don't.
I was donating blood, one day, and my blood pressure was borderline high...as usual.
The senior nurse was taking my pressure, and she said to me, "I'm going to teach you Bio-feedback."
"Now," she said, "You just fully relax."
For some reason or other I right away slumped in my chair, head against the wall beside me.
She turned down the light, left the little room, and closed the door.
I didn't mind if I fell asleep, and I nearly did.
The lady came back and wrapped my arm and took my blood pressure again. It had dropped 14 points!!!
The nurse smiled.
Now, how can that be...that I was tense?
I mean, I have given blood often enough to be comfortable in that place, though my b.p. had always been borderline high.
Do you think my system thought it was SUPPOSED to be a little hyper when I was in a blood donor clinic?
If you can manage your sweating by forgetting it, I think you are in charge of your nervous reactions, and that you know how to get through any tense situation.
Practice may be all you need to do.
Not everyone knows they CAN control their thoughts, and, therefore, their bodily nervous reactions.
Well done!
My best,