I am between Humaworm cycles, but I can still feel the roundworms in my upper intestines. Ugg, ugg, ugg. So I am doing carrot juice, tumeric/bromelain,
Bentonite clay, olive leaf, neem, and bitter melon. I'm cheating just a little by adding oil of oregeno. Even after this long I still have such a heavy worm load that Humaworm got me really sick the last time, I go on it again middle of July. Also, I up to one whole drop of 5%
Lugols without massive headaches, the salt water flush really helped me a lot. I also dumped tons of yeast, I think yeast/candida and
parasites almost always go together, I think you have to get rid of the
parasites to get rid of the yeast. But the salt was amazing.
The other detox I've tried for bromine is
Celery juice, seems also to help. I'm still trying to track down cheap magnesium chloride for your bromide salt detox, Newport, no luck yet. No vet pharmacies around here.
I'm going to start on 6 months of P&B shakes, found a receipe on the Bowel cleansing forum, so I should be used to them by the time I do humaworm again. Plus, I finally tracked down an enema bag, the drug stores around here don't carry them much anymore, which makes everything less scary. Getting rid of the dead ones is really a good idea, and getting them OUT fast also seems to be a really good idea.
I'm looking at both rife machines and zappers, I'm just sick of these guys. That's going to require some financial juggling and may take a while.
How are you doing with olive leaf extract for the flukes? I know I have them too, found one unfortunately, but I'm still going after the larger fauna. It's still close the the full moon, I hope I get results.