I know this thread is old but in case u still check it, were these brain like blobs the things that people often call "cotton balls with legs" ? I can see them w/a naked eye as the largest one's are about 1cm in length. They're like cream colored balls of mucus with lots of dark orangish strings/'legs' hanging from them. I'm interested that u viewed them under the microscope. When I expelled them, it was after being on
Clarkia for a few weeks & after taking a dose of Castor Oil. They came out After a BM, with No Stool, just oil, stained Green (which made me think it was bile so the origin of them being the liver area) - just Dozens of them in slightly different sizes/some had more strands/'legs' hanging than others & quite a few of what looked like liver flukes came out as well (they were red & perfectly formed, just like the pix on google of flukes; and quite small, smaller than the other things). I saved all of these things in alcohol & brought them into my doctor. After a few days they flukes were no longer red & became almost clear so u could see their internal structures. My doctor couldn't identify them but said they def looked parasitic in nature, she could also see the internal structures & agreed they weren't food & said weren't a part of human biology, the lab at Stanford couldn't identify them (but I don't know how hard they tried); she ended up giving me a single dose of Albendazole which I still haven't taken bc I don't know how effective a single dose is & it doesn't even kill adult flukes. Just from visual inspection through the
parasite cleanse, I can tell I have
Ascaris & flukes {& maybe more things I can't see}; I still have them after 30 days on, I took a short break & am starting back again. I don't know why there's such an issue with doctors identifying these things or even addressing this problem- I've done 7 stool tests, all came back either negative or Inconclusive / "unknown" which is even more disturbing even though my doctors via visual inspection were pretty sure I had
parasites yet seem to think a single dose of Albendazole will cure everything forever. I'm not quite sure how to proceed here- I never thought I had parasites, I included the
parasite cleanse bc I was planning on doing a
Liver Flush & that was a prereq - I thought I'd find Nothing. And, I've been having health issues for 3 yrs no one can find the Cause of- now I"m starting to think This was It. I feel like my doctors just don't have the answers. I'm not sure if I should continue on the herbs; I've also tried
Turpentine which worked Really well but still didn't get rid of everything 100%; I've heard about the
Hulda Clark mop-up program, some people have talked about
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (it seems that the Clark mop-up using ozonated olive oil has a similar oxidizing effect as
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , I"m not sure which one is superior for parasites; I think
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is better for pathogens, I don't know if I have any bc u can't see them w/a naked eye). Anyways, just seeing if you guys have any suggestions. Cheers!