Hi Trapper,
I'm new to this forum and have been reading advice that you've given to people and am hoping that you can give me some advice. I feel pretty lost.
I caught a pretty nasty bug last year while travelling and from then on, my health went downwards. My eczema symptoms didnt get worse until 3 months later (though I had other symptoms such as cold sores, skin infection, water retention, weight gain, dandruff). After some major emotional problems, my eczema got out of control and even cortisone couldnt control it (I've always had moderate eczema and cortisone always cleared it). I know how bad cortisone is but because I was living away from home in a different country and travelling at the same time, I didnt have a choice. It was a quick 'fix'.
I saw a homoepath and she put me on some remedies and a parasite cleanse (without doing a colon cleanse first). Needless to say, my health deteriorated big time. By then, I was home and in the worst possible shape. I was covered in eczema rashes, fatigued and getting new symptoms daily such as sore throat, cold symptoms etc. Being home though meant that I could stop cortisone- I havent touched it since then.
Via international phone consult, the same homeopath put me on stronger remedies (5 of them) but I wasnt seeing ANY improvements at all. I decided to see a local naturopath/homeopath and she immediately gave me an antidote to detox the strong remedies from the previous homeopath. She was shocked and disgusted that someone could prescribe something like that to me.
Again, I went through the worst cleansing crisis and I havent quite recovered (that was beginning of Jan this year). After piecing the puzzle together, I decided to do the cleansing protocol- bowel, kidney, parasite, liver and VCO fast. That started in early March. I dont know if this has anything to do with the cleanses but I missed a period for April.
There was an improvement but I am still battling extreme dryness, itchyness, flaky skin, redness, scaly and roughness pretty much everywhere. I have done 3 LF so far and a series of colonics (that are costing me a fortune)and am oil pulling with sesame oil. I am lost. I dont know what else to do. I've changed my diet; pretty much just fruit and vegies, occasional rice/rice noodles, vegie soups etc. I just did my 3rd flush on Monday and had a colonic on Wednesday; I am itchier and the rash has spread to all over my thighs and I have never had eczema there.
I will start having juices for brekky, fruit for lunch and steamed vegies for dinner to see if this will improve things. Though I am constantly craving biscuits and chips. On top of that, I am bloated all the time now and I used to be a BIG eater.
Also, for the past month, I have been suffering from insomnia. I am usually a heavy sleeper throughout the WHOLE night. Now, I wake up 3-4am and find it hard to sleep.
I would really like to do enemas; do you only use distilled water? I dont have a water distiller- are there alternatives? Filtered? Bottled?
I live in Australia so its hard for me to get a lot of the things mentioened in forums. I did a search on Lugol's iodine and the only one I can find in Australia is a half strength one...
I'm so sorry for the loooong post! I'm so sick and tired of being trapped at home, feeling (and looking) like rubbish and not having the freedom to do what I want. I havent worked or been to a social event since being home in Nov. I have only just been able to be out for more than 2 hours.
ANy advice would be greatly appreciated! THanks for reading :)