First flush out of the way. What a relief!
I was all worked up about how awful it was going to be, and it was actually pleasant. I had no problem with the ES with half apple juice in it, and I liked the
OO (Olive-Oil) with grapefruit juice!!?! I like
OO (Olive-Oil) and grapefruit juice anyway, and I was hungry, so I enjoyed it.
I finally got green balls the size of peas (stones?) out along with some black yuk. I didn't get the laxative effect from ES last night but I am this morning, so I'm not going to mess with it and I flushed some pea shaped stones.
The pressure under my ribs has receded and my liver feels much less congested.
I'm going to have no problem doing this once a month or when my liver tells me to.
Thanks everyone. Whew. I needed your support. One of my fears was if something happened, where would I go for help? Knowing so much knowledge and compassion is here really helped. I couldn't have done it without you.
Stay tunned. There's more to come. I've just gotten started.
How do you put this on multiple sites and put a picture on by your name? I thought I had one but it's gone now. And I'd like to change my name but it doesn't look like I can without using a different email. And how do I put a picture in here of my stones? Thanks;-)