Aye there are especially quotes from "websites".
I know i have mercury poisoning as.. the time when my Candida hit its worse, was around the same time i had 4-5 fillings put into my mouth. Also i fit ALOT of the mercury symptons. I have had blood and urine tests done for mercury levels (which aren't a very accurate way of measuring, if i had known at the time i would of had a hair test done instead, but the blood still showed high levels of mercury)
And since starting chelation (following Andy cutlers protocol), its the first time ever over the last 3 years i have felt any signs of improvement. ( although i was still eating fish up until a month ago, which mite of been another reason i wasnt gettin any better)
From a post a while back i read somebody said, some people have their fillings removed and have never gotten better, so obviously there candida isnt affected to mercury.
I very much doubt they did 1-4 years of chelation following the correct protocol, therefore thats EVEN more missleading information to people.