Hello goldendrop,
welcome to The
Water Fasting Support Forum.
As you are new to this subject I would start off with a short fast of between 36 to 72 hours on water only according to thirst, to see if your levels of toxemia are very high.
If you experience headaches and some nausea with slight weakness during this time, then you are relatively toxemic, which is mostly the same as everyone else who has a heartbeat!!!
If you do not experience these symptoms, then you are relatively toxemic-free, which is definitely to your advantage.
I would also be hesitant in continuing with the iron supplements on your fast as this will interfere with the fast and make it less effective, even in the short-term. What you will really need, is to improve your nutritional status with rest and detoxing via some fasting, where you will eventually have no need for iron supplements anyway.
"The iron deficiency in anemia is really secondary to the general impairment of nutrition and will end when nutrition is restored to normal. This restoration of normal nutrition depends upon the removal of the causes, and not upon overcrowding an already impaired system with more food or with food of a given kind.
"It has long been known that fasting results in a rapid blood regeneration in anemia. Two and three weeks of fasting are often enough to double the blood count, even in far advanced cases of progressive pernicious anemia"
Dr H M
Shelton in FASTING FOR RENEWAL OF LIFE. Pages 295-296.
Hope this hasn't been too "heavy" for you.
Get back to me if it is, and I will explain it a little differently.
Warm Regards