wow im almost over this! my answer was Melatonin tablets and P. Serine tablets( cant remember the name). its amazing. i have no build up or anything. they feel like lips again. so soft. not that strange wrong feeling anymore. they are very soft now. they feel normal when they meet. and look normal and the Vermilion border is back for sure!! :)
i now have a plain surface on the lips ( and it stays like that!!). im like cured. im in chock. :) after 6 years of hell (more for many of you). my answer is Melatonin and p.Serine. this combo has ( for now) cured me. and i dont need anything on them.
no i wont put my lips on display, but you cant really see it. its more of a feel. they FEEL normal again.
and also before i had tiny red dots in the skin that was hit with this. very tiny and had that triangle thing on the upper lip. i can now see/feel strong skin over all of it. and healing under it. i think in a week or two i have healthy lips. i can see ( when having a little flashlight close to the lips) that my body is now working on the problem. only time now. great. peace
alot of people have normal looking lips for at least a couple of days out of the peeling cycle, are you sure its not just going to overgrow and fall off again in a few days?
when was the last time your lips peeled?
i guess its your choice if you want to take pics or not but it would really help to show your progress..
haha yes what did i tell you wendel, melatonin is the cure for this!!!!!!!ps is also the cure for this!!!!! im so happy you followed the cortisol theory because many people in here(no names mentioned)think its a stupid idea. i pray to god that you are healed. mine should of arrived this week but i guess it will come next week.
within an hour or so. P.serine kind of "kicks in" and then they are quite normal. im still in the process, so i will get back to you all. for now i feel fine.
that's awesome! can you please elaborate a little though on how you cured them. A little more information on what brands you used, where to get them, dosage, etc. would be great. Also, how long did it take before you saw effect?
I've already got my PS... i should get my Melatonin this week in the post. I ordered liquid melatonin though... i can get tablet form Melatonin at the pharmacy still, so thats good. I've been ill recently(ear infection), i want to recover fully before i start proper treatment. Bless.
I've read that before but all the sites that I have found that sell these pills say that it's for sleep help & brain support.. are these pills the wrong ones? Wendel which pills (brand/site) did you use?
P.serine is not for sleeping. the other one melatonin is for sure. i get sleepy after taking melatonin. but not like " i gotta sleep now!" more of a sleepy feeling which is not that strong really. i live in denmark so i got melatonin from a danish co. and the P. serine was just online. i think P. serine is the most important of these two by the way. peace :)
well the feeling of normal lips came like a hour after i used these things. i took them in the morning and in school, i got that sense of change in the lip structure. i got to a mirror and saw this change ( not that it was gone, but different in a good way) and i had/have no peeling at all. its like permanent. pretty cool :) and my body is better now. a change there also.
Congrats to you on your recovery. Can you explain step by step how you got cured 90%? I guess you should calm down and put your lips under the scanner for atleast a month and be absolutely sure that the stuff worked for you. I would appreciate if you post you pics, pre and post recovery.