Copied and pasted this post from tharrels1 on the Natural Emergency Care Forum, in the hopes it may help your Mom! You may want to ask him directly on that Forum, should you have any doubts about Cayenne Pepper being appropriate. I remember sometime back reading something similar about how good CP was to stop bleeding.
God bless and GOOD HEALTH to you both!
Hi all! Seems like I've been running into MORE and MORE EMERGENCY situations lately, that require people to either STOP internal or external bleeding and so I recommended to them to use Cayenne Pepper. Please see the following webpage for detailed information about how to use Cayenne Pepper in various EMERGENCY situations, including bleeding.
If you want to learn MORE information about the HEALING powers/properties of Cayenne Pepper, then please click-on the following link.
Also, if you're interested in obtaining 2 - 2-part Newsletters and an ebook about Cayenne Pepper, then please email me direct and I'll send them to you as an attachment file.
"THANKS" for your time and attention!
Psa. 104:14.
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;