(Excellent name for it!)
Is there any chance the subject is thinking of what they DON'T want? ...Even just a little bit?
Also, is there any part of living the objective that the subject DOESN'T like?
...Like having a great cook prepare all ones meals, while distictly disliking sharing the kitchen?
Or, is there a need to explore the world of the objective more closely? ...A need to go WHERE the action is; to see, first-hand, what it is like...and perhaps to alter the objective slightly?
Could the subject be EXPECTING the opposite?
In kinesiology there is a familiar condition called 'reversal', which is easily fixed.
A kinesiologist always tests to see if the energy flow is 'on' or 'off' for the task at hand.
(In fact, that's how they can tell if a client is 'balanced' in any particular meridian...by the resistance of certain muscles, or the lack of it. They know how to free any meridian that is 'blocked' or 'reversed'.)
One example: Taking Level I 'Touch for Health', the group was in a circle and all were drawn forward toward a desireable object in the center...except me.
Instead, I was 'pushed' away from it, so strongly as to feel almost pushed over backwards.
The instructor asked me to make some gestures...including crossing my ankles...and I was no longer 'reversed'. I reacted exactly like the rest of the group to further objects.
If you should happen to go to a good kinesiologist, you could ask this specific question...about 'reversal'.
My kinesiologist first does some foot reflexology to locate meridians that may need work. Among many possible actions she may use, she may also ask what certain words mean to me. You see, my automatic assumption that any particular word has a particular meaning, may be slightly skewed from the understanding of many others.
If I say, "Green cheese" what do you automatically think of? The moon? Limburger? A restaurant?
If I think of a blue house, I may be remembering a house I had long ago, which has a whole history and lifestyle attached to it...when I may really want an entirely different lifestyle.
It's all about 'echoes', I think.
So, before we decide on an objective, it might be better to go where such a thing is happening, and see how we feel about ALL of it...what we like...and if we can improve upon it as we prefer.
Besides, actually seeing an objective in action, we are very likely to join in.
Someone recently said that the universe is indifferent, non-judgemental...that it doesn't care WHAT we want...that we will get what we create opportunities for.
If we want blueberry pancakes, and have only purchased ham and eggs, guess what's for breakfast! ...Unless we make an effort to get beside some blueberry pancakes...or unless we conjure up a way to make ham and eggs TASTE like blueberry pancakes. That's possible, too, I think.
I heard an artist explain how she began. She got all the tools she needed, then sat down at her easel to wait for inspiration.
That's when she discovered that, if she wanted a dot of red, just there, then she had to PUT a dot of red...just there. And so she began to learn her craft.
Sometimes we make things more complicated than they need to be. Maybe all we need to is START...clear away the clutter, and begin.
Excellent question! Have you noticed any changes since you first asked it?