Here is his story (I have many more details if needed):
My little boy who is nearly 3 has been ill since infancy. In the
process we have visited many allopatic doctors, homeopaths, cranial
osteopaths all at a great expense. We had to sell our house and leave
our jobs in order to spend time with our boy. We have an older son who
is 4.5 and is healthy. But he has also suffered with all of us greatly.
So please help me in any way you can.
My little son has suffered from seizures since he was 4.5 months old.
Firstly one-sided and infrequent, they worsened over the time. He has
recently been diagnosed with Dravet's Syndrome (very severe form of
epilepsy that results in severe social, cognitive and developmental
delays). He developed normally until 18 months of age, but now he
regressed to approx 12 months. He now has many autistic traits.
Hi earlier fits were one-sided, starting with his fist, progressing to
arm and so on until entire body was jerking. Eyes were turned up to
the side of the seizure and the face was also grimacing. The sides
alternated with each seizure. These seizures started 3 weeks after his
last Hib/DTP/Polio vaccination. Also on the day of the seizure the
vaccination scar from his earlier BCG vaccine broke out and a lot of
smelly puss came out. He was unhappy all day and in the evening he had
a seizure (starting in the arm where the vaccine was given).
When he was around one, soon after his MMR vaccine the seizures became
shorter ( 1- 2 minutes) and generalized. We consulted a homeopath and
he was given Medorrhinum 10M in 3 doses (evening, morning and
evening). He still had several seizures soon after and he was given
Belladonna in 3 potencies (one each day) 30c, 200c and 1M. He had no
seizures for 3.5 months. In October 2006 he was given Tuberculinum in
4 doses over 4 days (30c, 200c, 1M and 10M) and his seizures started
again. We changed homeopath who prescribed BCG antidote BCG 30c in 3
doses at weekly intervals. His condition worsened even more. Then she
gave Tub Bov 30c in 10 daily doses and my lovely little boy stopped
functioning. His seizures were daily with screams all day. Since that
incident we have changed homeopaths, tried different remedies, to no
avail. His seizures were reduced to one every 10 days but no
mental/cognitive/social development.
He currently does recognize him self or us, does not speak any more.
only repeats single words, flaps hands. Does not point, but takes your
hand and takes you to whatever he wants. Plays with blocks or puts
small objects into buckets. Loves running aimlessly, swinging,
playgrounds. Loves swimming and eats a lot. Hugs and kisses everybody
(irrespective if he knows them or not) and is currently happy most of
the time. Licks windows, takes his shoes off and occasionally bites.
he is now on a new allopatic medication Stiripentol, so for the last
couple of months he only had the 'absence' seizures (he walks around
as if looking for something, trying to grab in front of him, just
staring and does not respond if called). His previous attacks were
normally preceded by loud shrieking and generalized convulsions
lasting for a few minutes. They would happen every 10 days or so,
normally on waking early in the morning (around 6 am). Sometimes he
would have a series of such attacks in one day.
During the summer in 2007 my son was on a strict anti-Candida diet, as
one doctor suggested that this could be a cause of my son's trouble.
His seizures then became only 'absence' seizures and he seemed a bit
better develppmentally. But in October we foud out that a genetic test
proved Dravet's Syndrome. It is a most severe form of epilepsy
resulting in irretrevable loss of cognitive/social/mental etc.
ability. Our hopes were crushed. My view was still that the genetics
only showed a predisposition for an ilness and that homeopathy might
still help.
But in December he had 3 'status' seizures that went on for several
hours and required medical intervention in A&E with various drugs.
New allopatic doctors stepped in and my son was put on 3 different
kinds of allopatic medicine. His mental state worsened even more, as
he is so drugged up. He continued to have absences.
The attacks do not appear to be caused by anything in particular, but
he is oversensitive to heath, especially stuffed rooms. He also
shivers easily when cold, we noticed that after swimming.
He is currently in his own world, repeats few words, like "kisses",
"farting", "cow" etc. He will repeat words said to him (called
echolalia, typical of autism). He also runs around aimlessly, plays
with toys without understanding, flaps his hands.
He presses buttons, puts things in his mouth, takes his socks and
shoes off.
He eats greedily and loves all foods. This only became apparent since
his mental decline.
Previously when his development was normal, he craved cheese, toast,
seasoned meats, fresh peppers. Always loved milk. Didn't eat much in
the morning.
He now still desires all those things and also eats whole apples, but
would eat anything that he is given.
He was always loving to his family and outgoing. He is very sweet and
good looking, so he attracted lots of attention and was often hugged
and kissed by everybody who met him. He loved attention and praise. He
loved being centre of attention. At the time he was closest to me, his
mother, and would seek me out if I left the room. He wasw also
obstinate and would not give in easily. He was always very active to
the point of hyperactivity.
Now that he has deteriorated, he desires company, but he is
indiscriminate. He would approach strangers, kiss and hug them. He
would take anybody's hand take them to what he wants or just place
them to sit next to him while he dances and spins.
He always liked music, singing and dancing.
He is average size, maybe slightly bigger than average. His head is
normal size and he has no distinguishing features. he has blond-ish
hair, blue eyes and beautiful features.
He does not sweat almost at all, that was what we noticed at first.
He only rarely gets ill. But does not develop a fever (never had a
temperature above 38 celsius).
He is physically healthy and very active. Runs, jumps and climbs
easily. Loves playgrounds, especially swings.
Loves swimming in sea and swimming pool, but for a while hated baths
and would scream endlessly.
His stool is soft and copious, probably because he eats a lot of fresh
fruit and veg. Urine is unremarkable. If he has frequent stools his
bum would burn and become red.
If anybody can give me any hoep, please get in touch. Can anybody
suggest a remedy that could help him get back at lest some of his
I would be grateful beyond words,
Desperate mother