Alot happening with
parasite kills the last couple of days.
Andreas Moritz is right when he says to follow up
Liver Flushes with some type of colonic, (coffee enema) It never fails to produce a bunch more stones, not just the following day the night after drinking the flush ingredients, but the following day after that, when you think the flush is done:
I've also found out from having experienced it 3 seperate times, that
Hulda Clark is right about night sweats and
Ascaris eggs being released. Both times that I started the rounds of Clark clean-up, I had noticable night sweats- to the point of having to change my nightie a couple of times in the night- and both times, the following morning in doing a
coffee enema to clean out worm debris, there were a bunch of floating (Shroom is right, pay attention to what floats)not small, egg larvae with definite baby reddish/brown worms in them. I took pictures of one batch of them- in the middle of the picture you can see the baby worms. The egg sacs, to me, look like bot fly larvae, light colored. The first time it happened, there were 25 of them. I also remember distinctly that it happened the 2 times previously, when I had wanted to start the L-Cysteine, and had ordered the ozonated oil, but hadn't received it I took the L-Cysteine with coconut oil instead. I don't remember, offhand, if I also had started the COQ10 at the same time or not, I'd have to look back and read through my notes.
Because of what Hulda says about the eggs hatching out within 24 hours if not killed though, I made sure to get a large dose of the dewormer containing cloves after seeing the floating egg sacs. I didn't know if I had flushed them all out, and if they were already dead, but I was going to make darned sure if there were any left that I was going to take plenty to make sure. (she says 3500 mg once a week for "maintenance")along with the larger dosages of
Wormwood /black walnut.
It just happened again a couple of nights ago--but this time without starting the L-Cysteine/ozonated oil as before. It was the next night after taking the
Liver Flush mix, so the night of having gone through the
Epsom Salts /eliminating stones I, once again, had to change my nightie 2 times. And, once again, in the
coffee enema the next morning (to finish clearing out the stones from the liver flush, which I also got a lot more of) amongst the floating, green
liver stones (no gallbladder) were the egg sacs with the reddish/brown baby worms in them again. Not a few of them, I didn't count them, but once again I would guess somewhere around 20.
I've been doing the VRM2 from Systemic Formulas (protocal through Alt. Med Dr), specific for round worms (no red meat while on the program), which already contains Bromelain, but within the last week I've also added more Bromelain/Papain daily because of reading information Newport had given recently about "cysts". The VRM2 is 15 days on, 5 days off. Plus, I've been doing it for a while now, but have been doing 4 rounds instead of 3 with the
Hulda Clark -type zapper (Parazapper Ccm) with footpads- and doing 7 min at one frequency, 7 minutes on the other frequency, and then the 20 min in between- 3 sessions, and, when I remember- taking a couple of TB of coconut oil per day.
I don't know if the "cotton balls with legs" that were described, and the "fly looking thing" that Harmonic Charge was asking about are the same things, but they both sound like some kind of
parasite egg sacs too.
These are the same thing, but they started turning dark colored, they were originally a light, tannish/yellow color. You can see the size in comparison to the quarter though, they weren't small, and yes, they float.
Hulda Clark 's- Tapeworm/Ascaris Cleanup
The Curious Case of Ascaris
Ascaris infests animals and humans from pole to pole of this planet. It is safe to say that all dogs and cats have it and all humans have it from time to time. Domestic animals and humans each have their own variety of Ascaris, yet can host the other varieties, too. Horses have
Ascaris megalocephala. Pigs have
Ascaris suum. The human variety is Ascaris lumbricoides. Ascaris does not attach itself to you, it hardly even moves. It simply lies still in your organs absorbing nutrients and eventually filling up with eggs.
When you kill Ascaris worms by zapping or with the herbal recipe, they are mortally wounded. They are dying, but the eggs inside them are not. They were sheltered. Within a day these eggs begin to leave the dying worm. Soon hordes of eggs are dispersing in your body again!
And in another 24 hours they are beginning to hatch into larvae. You can detect this as it happens with a Syncrometer and test slides of eggs, larvae, and adults.
Of course, you are zapping and taking the herbal
parasite killers. But again, these do not penetrate the Ascaris body to kill what is inside. It could take a few weeks for the dead Ascaris to be totally disintegrated so no more eggs are being sheltered within.
Surely, a few Ascaris eggs, still escaping into your body could not do much harm since the overall problem has been greatly reduced! This is not so. The eggs may even do more harm than the worms. Ascaris eggs bring 3 very important pathogens that spread throughout your body: Rhizobium leguminosarum, Mycobacterium avum/intracellulare, and the common cold virus, Adenovirus. A flood of these are responsible for your night sweats! As soon as the last Ascaris egg is gone, these pathogens are gone, too, and the following night becomes free of sweating. If your night sweats come back, you know Ascaris eggs are present again. And in 24 hours, unless you kill them, they will hatch into larvae and start the whole cycle over again.
It takes about 3 weeks for large
parasites like Ascaris and
Tapeworm larvae to disintegrate completely and be cleared from your tissues. If eggs or scolices are continually released during this time, the cycle of infection cannot be broken. Fortunately, the same two things that can penetrate
Tapeworm larvae can also penetrate Ascaris worms and mop up after them, whether dead or alive!
Strangle the Stragglers
Here is the Mop-up Program for both
Tapeworm larvae and sheltered Ascaris eggs:
ozonated olive oil, 1/2 tbs. taken morning and night
L-cysteine, 500mg, 2 capsules 3 times a day.
Buy a small ozonator to make your own ozonated oil.
You can easily make your own ozonated oil. Purchase an ozonator and a small bottle of olive oil. Pour off an
inch or so. Attach an aerator to the end of your ozonator hose and drop it to the bottom of the olive oil bottle. Choose a ceramic or wood aerator, available at any pet store; the plastic varieties release benzene! The bubbles may make the oil flow over the top. In this case, pour more of it off. Turn the ozonator on before dropping the hose in the bottle. Ozonate for 20 minutes or longer. When done, cap the bottle and store in the freezer until you are ready to use it. It melts quickly when needed. After 5 days of use, ozonate again to restore potency. Would other oils work? Possibly. I have not researched them, though, since they cannot be trusted to be free of benzene pollution.
Ozonated oil gives you no noticeable side effects, but it should be taken no more than necessary. One could expect the ozone to jump across from oil molecules to your fat molecules, aging them too soon. Fortunately, the dose is small and may be directed at the intruders before it is directed at you.
The cysteine should be the L-variety, not D-cysteine which is unnatural. It may be cysteine hydrochloride or simply free cysteine.
Taking this supplement can give you side effects, perhaps due to its penetrating antiparasite property. If you have serious side effects, reduce the dosage. Even if you reduce the dosage, do not take it longer than 3 weeks. Most persons get no side effects. But the more parasitized you are, the more side effects you could have: fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea. Remember, animals that are being deparasitized have similar symptoms. I have not yet found a way to counteract these symptoms, so it is wise to drink lots of water while taking it, take vitamin C and vitamin E, 400mg, one a day. Vitamin E will counteract the over-oxidation produced temporarily by the ozonated oil. Take it two hours or more after the ozonated oil to make sure there is no loss of the oil's potency. Also, alkalinize yourself with 1/2 tsp. baking soda at bedtime since all sulfur compounds will acidify you. Be patient. Usually, all side effects disappear in a few days, but in difficult cases they may last a week. Make sure to eat regular meals in spite of appetite loss. You must not allow yourself to lose weight, even for one week. Taking a capsule of vitamin B1, 500mg, with each meal helps with appetite.
Cysteine has other important benefits for you. It counteracts the radiation we all get from living on this planet, called "background radiation". This might even explain why supplementing animals with cysteine had the effect of lengthening their live substantially. Cysteine is a heavy metal detoxifier, perhaps through the formation of glutathione. It is a precursor to glutathione and deserves a permanent place on your supplement list.
Nevertheless, supplementing with cysteine should not be overdone. After taking 6 capsules daily for 3 weeks (plus baking soda at bedtime), go off it completely for one week.
If your symptoms return or never completely left, you can assume that some eggs escaped or you still have a particularly resistant tapeworm stage. You may safely double the dosage of ozonated oil. Take one tbs. twice a day for one day only. It is not necessary to repeat this. No Ascaris or tapeworm stage can escape this one-time treatment. Only reinfection can give them back to you. Although there are no side effects, you may not take this dosage on a daily basis. But you may add it to your weekly maintenance program (including vitamin E).