I think the proper dilution of H202 is 1 h202 to 11 parts water, correct?
What is the proper amount of H202 for the bath for the purpose of hopefully killing whatever it is that is giving me severe, constant, iron deficient anemia???
I want to try everything - the loads of iron supplements I think have damaged my joints and muscles and I have progressively become close to a cripple..
Any suggestions are much appreciated - I have food grade H202 and will also start using my ozonator for drinking water but, I would like to also bathe in it. I cannot find the posts that related to bathing - they must be pretty old.
Thank you in advance for your help - P.S. I have been taking oil of oregano under the tongue every day for a couple of weeks now and also notice that my temperature goes up every evening to close to 100 accompanied by the most horrible flue like symptoms you can imagine.
Please - I need some guidance - doctors are a total waste of time .........and money which I do not have.