The Use of Natural Materials as Anti – Worm Medicines for Cattle (Central Lombok - West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia)
Descriptive title of the technology
The Use of Natural Materials as Anti – Worm Medicines for Cattle (Central Lombok - West Nusa Tenggara)
Global Farming System
The Smallholder Irrigated Farming Systems are dependent on large-scale irrigation schemes dominated by small-scale farming. This category contains only about 30 million women, men and children who farm about 15 million ha of irrigated land, but it is important for national food security and export earnings in many countries.
Smallholder Rainfed Highland:
The Smallholder Rainfed Highland Farming Systems in steep and highland areas contain an agricultural population of more than 500 million. In most cases these are diversified mixed crop-livestock systems, which were traditionally oriented to subsistence and sustainable resource management. However, these days they are characterised by intense population pressure on the resources base, which is often quite poor - averaging 3.5 persons per cultivated ha, aggravated by heavy grazing pressure on the four-fifths of the land which is not cultivated. Given the lack of road access and other infrastructure, the level of integration with the market is often low.
The cost of worm medicine reaches 50 percent of the total medicinal cost in the cash flow, and some harmful side effects have been found in the application of pharmaceutical worm medicines such as increased resistance of worms against pharmaceutical drugs and increased cases of intoxication among cattle due to excessive dosage. Prevention and cure with the medical technique of ethno-veterinary are carried out in SPFS with the purpose of obtaining the best production from the farmer groups. This medical system involves the use of natural basic materials in the forms of plants, minerals, certain types of animals, acupuncture, acupressure, blood extraction, etc. In SPFS the use of some types of plants or herbs found in the surrounding area is introduced as worm medicines: areca, garlic, and papaya seeds.
Type of technology
Natural resources management technology: Natural resources management technology
Detail Description of technology
Control of worms in livestock
The use of anti-internal
parasite (worms) drugs in cattle raising is a must for farmers because worm infestation is repetitious periodically in the breeding cycle. A simple technique of controlling worm infestation in cattle can be done by managing feed and the time of grass cutting, which is unlikely to carry out when cattle are allowed to feed by themselves on open grazing fields.
The making of compost from the cattle’s dung or litter can also stop the life cycle of
parasites because the worms’ eggs will spread through the feces, thus when it is collected and used in the production of compost, the worm’s life cycle will discontinue by itself as a result of the heat (340 C) during the feces decomposition.
Generally the medical cost for cattle breeding ranges from 5 – 10 % of the total cost (farm overhead cost), in which approximately 50 % is used for the purchase of anti-worm drugs. Another disadvantage is that there is a resistance of worms to certain types of drugs, and this in turns encourages farmers to increase the dosage of drugs applied to cattle, which then leads to intoxication in cattle. The residue of worm medicines secreted through the feces will also increase the resistance of worms to worm drugs in the breeding area, so the use of chemical or pharmaceutical substances really brings about a significant negative effect.
Ethno-Veterinary Medical Practice for Worm Infestation
The foundation of ethno-veterinary system has been made since man domesticated animals, meaning that this system was known to our ancestors; they used human beings for the comparison of dosage and types of medicines for animal use. These medicines include the use of natural basic materials in the forms of plants, minerals, certain types of animals, acupuncture, acupressure, blood extraction, etc. Today the ethno-veterinary medicines have experienced a remarkable progress involving strong and scientific principles of molecular biology; even the use of natural substances have been oriented to as an immune-modulator to control some types viruses, for example, Marek’s, gumboro, avian influenza, etc. The technique of ethno-veterinary medication was introduced to the farmer groups of SPFS in the middle of 2005 by the Deputy NFM Farming System-SPFS (Johan Purnama DVM, M.Sc.)
Actually some plants have the potential for anti-worm medicines and this was a common practice in the past. Some plants commonly used by animal breeders for worm medicines are pines, ginger, biji labu (gourd/pumpkin seed), areca nuts, garlic, papaya and some types of rubber tree (e.g. Ficus religiosa), as well as plants with a high content of tannin. In SPFS the plants found in the surrounding area and introduced as worm medicines are as follows:
· Areca nuts (aka bing lang, betel nut)
Images here
Areca nuts (Figure 3) are commonly used by the native people of Lombok (Sasak tribe) as one ingredient in the traditional chewing of betel leaves and for this reason the areca trees are intentionally grown.
The application of areca nuts is in fact very effective and inexpensive, so the cost efficiency in cattle’s breeding can be well obtained, the physical appearance of cows in the SPFS farmer groups in Lombok also improves because of well-maintained health, and there is no longer worry of medical cost as well as drug intoxication resulting from the use of pharmaceutical medicines.
- 10 areca nuts
- A glass of water
- Fry (without oil) areca nuts until they are dry, or dry in the sun.
- Grind the dry nuts to powder
- Mix with a glass of water
- Feed it to the cattle
- Generally the solution is given once a month for maintenance or prevention
- For curing, it is given daily for 2 – 3 days and usually the worms are secreted within 24 – 48 hours.
· Garlic
Garlic (Figure 4) commonly used for cooking in the kitchens also has an effective characteristic of anti-worms, particularly against the infestation of
Ascaris sp, Enterobius and all types of lung worms. Another advantage of garlic is that it has a natural and safe
Antibiotic – without remaining residue in cattle. This
Antibiotic has the role of growth promoter in the cow’s growth rate.
In the medical practices among calves, the use of garlic is highly recommended because no harmful side effects have so far been found. Some methods of using garlic for anti-worm drugs are described below.
o Fresh garlic is ground and mixed with its leaves into the concentrate that will be fed to the cattle (10 – 20 garlic/month).
o Crushed garlic is mixed with the concentrate and shaped into a ball for a young cow below 6 (six) months old.
o Garlic leaves also have a powerful anti-worm effect, so in the garlic producing area, the garlic leaves can used as one cheap source of worm medicines.
· Seeds of Papaya Fruit
The seeds of papaya fruit (Carica papaya) (Figure 5) have proved to be very effective for worm drugs, particularly against the infestation of
Ascaris sp. The sap of papaya tree also has the same effectiveness, but technically the use of papaya fruit seeds would be much easier.
Ingredients and Method
o A handful of dried seeds of papaya fruit
o A glass of water
o Pound the papaya seeds to powder and mix with a glass of water
o Then feed it to the cow
o The solution can be fed once a month for maintenance or prevention
o For curing, the solution is given daily for 2 – 3 days.
The Impact for SPFS Farmers of Central Lombok
The Farmer Group of Amanah is one of the locations where the ethno-veterinary medicines are implemented on livestock and the group has obtained an honor as the best farm group at the Provincial level of NTB for more than ten times, thus it is expected that by implanting the ethno-veterinary medication, the group can become an example of good model for other farmer groups in NTB to follow.
The routine use of natural medicines for cattle by the Amanah farmer group has improved the production performance significantly as a result of the efficiency in the supply of cattle medicines. Another positive aspect is that farmers become more active, learning and making efforts in finding alternative medicines for economic reasons.
The average increase of cattle population for the farmer groups of SPFS-Indonesia is 87 % per year, with the major obstacle in the form diseases as a result of poor sanitation due to water shortage. Therefore, routine maintenance of health through an optimal improvement of sanitation and herbal medicines is expected to improve the production performance of the SPFS farmer groups in Indonesia.
Source(s) Information
-Johan Purnama DVM MSc
-Taufikurrahman Pua Note, S.Pt, Field Technician (Livestock/Fishery)
-SPFS PMU Indonesia Photo collections.
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