I have done 3
Liver Cleanses in the last 6 weeks and got out about 700 pea to kidney sized stones. All colors. They are rounded and look just like the gaul stones are suppose to look. Fine. I also have been doing oxypower to really clean out my intestines after finding
parasites and eggs there. They seem to be gone. My question is that after the 3rd BM each morning when the stools are mostly water, I find several (15-20) cotton candy looking puff balls about the size of a pea. all harry looking some larger than others. They all have the same shape all weem to have a protruding "arm" looking at one end. Looks like a small pork u pine (sp) anyone? I am thinking they are way up in my small intestine. I just don't have a clue. I am doing
Iodine 2 x a day and vinegar 2 times a day and
Clarkia etc, sapping, and becks and oreganol?