Tony Isaacs
Thanks to each of every one of you who has voiced their concerns and support and thanks to the webmaster(s) who have taken action to cleanse the blight of Corinthian from this forum (though I promise you that he still has IDs lurking and likely more to be created). You have touched my heart and brightened my day.
I really like CZ and the many friends I have there and have no desires at all to leave. But I am sure most of you can understand that I have a presence outside CureZone - in fact my books, articles, website and other natural health endeavors are my life - and I cannot stay if my name, advice and books are being defiled with lies and I am being labeled as a killer and quack who preys on the fears of sick people! Those are vicious and abhorrent lies that will ultimately show up in searches or be found and repeated, and not only will they cause me irreparable harm, they may turn people away from natural healing information that may save their lives - something that would be against everything that I believe CureZone stands for.
Maybe I am still in the "honeymoon stage", but when I came across CureZone it was truly a breath of fresh air for me, after so many close minded forums and so many self serving forums. To me, the bright shining promise of a CZ is too important to let anyone like a Corinthian be allowed to troll there and run people off from help that might save their lives or ease suffering. And no one should be defamed and have their name drug through the mud like he has done with me. There is a place for civil debate, even perhaps a bit uncivil, but NOT to the extent he has taken it and imho he has made a mockery of CZ for far too long.
CureZone is not MY forum and I am fully aware that I have no right to make any demands or ask for any special treatment, though perhaps I do feel that my contributions should be considered. What I ask is no more than I think should be afforded to any contributing member in relatively good standing.
Personally, and this is just my opinion, I think that some standards of behavior that are not restrictive yet establish a modicum of decency and civility should be established and made known to one and all - and enforced. Language, multiple IDs, personal attack of a vicious or libelous nature, those kind of things. For an example of what should not be permitted, one has only to look at the example set by Corinthian!
Hugs and love to all,