Does this list look like anything you would want injected into your body? Or injected into your child's still forming and much more vulnerable body?
Vaccine Ingredients |
Below is a list of ingredients in vaccines. (It is not exhaustive - there are other chemicals not in the list.) If you are tempted to assume that these poisons would only be in harmless quantities in vaccines, note: 1) There is no safe level for some of these poisons, such as formaldehyde and mercury, even if one of them was consumed or injected on its own. 2) Even if the quantity of any given ingredient was within a safe level, remember that a large number of these are being taken in all at once, which can lead to the accumulative toxicity being much higher. 3) Poisons such as formaldehyde and mercury are well known to have a sensitising effect on the body, i.e. they cause increased susceptibility to any foreign substance that it might encounter at the same time or in the future. 4) Even the manufacturers admit to a large list of adverse effects of vaccines, including even death. The resultant damage, including brain damage, from these toxins can vary from mild enough not to be apparent, through to severe, in some cases death. You cannot inject a living being with these poisons and expect there to be no adverse effect at all. What varies, and varies greatly, is merely the degree of damage. The reason for the large variation in this degree of damage include:
Post mortems on cot death babies indicate asphyxia, which can be due to the level of poisons being just that little bit too high for these individuals’ immature immune systems to mount a defence of the strength and sustained period of time required to deal with them. Adding to the difficulty in dealing with the large load of poisons is the fact that these poisons interfere with the activities of the immune system itself, and thus weaken its ability to eliminate any poisons. In the younger babies the battle is more often lost within hours or a few days from the injection. In the older babies they more often hold out longer and only lose the battle after a few weeks or longer (J Pediatrics 1982). For chemical profiles and definitions, visit Sources: EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) & MME (Mosby’s Medical Encyclopaedia) Formaldehyde: (Used in vaccines as a tissue fixative) Aust. National Research Council: Fewer than 20% but perhaps more than 10% of the general population may be susceptible to formaldehyde and may react acutely at any exposure level. More hazardous than most chemicals in 5 out of 12 ranking systems, on at least 8 federal regulatory lists, ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to ecosystems and human health (Environmental Defense Fund). It is not safe at ANY level. National Academy of Science: National Research Council: Formaldehyde is oxidised to formic acid which leads to acidosis and nerve damage. Acidosis can be described as a condition in which the acidity of the body tissues and fluids is abnormally high. The liver and the kidneys may also be damaged. Other effects: Eye; nasal; throat and pulmonary irritation; acute sense of smell; alters tissue proteins; anaemia; antibodies formation; apathy; blindness; blood in urine; blurred vision; body aches; bronchial spasms; bronchitis; burns nasal and throat; cardiac impairment; palpitations and arrhythmias; central nervous system depression; changes in higher cognitive functions; chemical sensitivity; chest pains and tightness; chronic vaginitis; colds; coma; conjunctivitis; constipation; convulsions; corneal erosion; cough; death; destruction of red blood cells; depression; dermatitis; diarrhoea; difficulty concentrating; disorientation; dizziness; ear aches; eczema; emotional upsets; ethmoid polyps; fatigue; fecula bleeding; foetal asphyxiation (and they don’t know what could cause SIDS?); flu-like or cold like illness; frequent urination with pain; gastritis; gastrointestinal inflammation; headaches; haemolytic anaemia; haemolytic haematuria; hoarseness; hyperactive airway disease; hyperactivity; hypomenstrual syndrome; immune system sensitiser; impaired (short) attention span; impaired capacity to attain attention; inability or difficulty swallowing; inability to recall words and names; inconsistent IQ profiles; inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs; intestinal pain; intrinsic asthma; irritability; jaundice; joint pain; aches and swelling; kidney pain; laryngeal spasm; loss of memory; loss of sense of smell; loss of taste; malaise; menstrual and testicular pain; menstrual irregularities; metallic taste; muscle spasms and cramps; nasal congestions; crusting and mucosae inflammation; nausea; nosebleeds; numbness and tingling of the forearms and finger tips; pale, clammy skin; partial laryngeal paralysis; pneumonia; post nasal drip; pulmonary oedema; reduced body temperature; retarded speech pattern; ringing or tingling in the ear; schizophrenic-type symptoms; sensitivity to sound; shock; short term memory loss; shortness of breath; skin lesions; sneezing; sore throat; spacey feeling; speaking difficulty; sterility; swollen glands; tearing; thirst; tracheitis; tracheobronchitis; vertigo; vomiting blood; vomiting; wheezing. References; C. Wilson; Chronic Exposure and Human Health (1993), McFarland & Company taken from Our Toxic Times Feb 1997 pgs 18 & 19. (Used in vaccines as a preservative.) Before you say, "But haven't they removed mercury from the vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule?" read this: See this video filmed by the University of Calgary of an actual brain neuron - watch what happens to it when it is exposed to (a low amount of) mercury: The following is a written article about this video: Mercury is the second most poisonous element known to man (next to uranium and its derivatives). As illustrated in the above video, neurons are observed to disintegrate in its presence. It has also been found to cause changes to chromosomes. The U.S. has known about the potential problems of thimerosal (compound in vaccines that contains mercury) for many years. The World Health Organization voiced concerns as far back as 1990. Mercury is a highly toxic element which does not easily leave the body. Once ingested, injected, or inhaled, it stays and accumulates. An infant can receive in one day’s doses of vaccines as much as the absolute maximum set by the W.H.O. for 3 months of exposure, but it is not safe at ANY level. Thimerosal is listed as a recognized developmental toxicant as well as a suspected skin or sense organ toxicant by the Environmental Defense Fund1. The following was taken from a website affiliated with the National Institutes for Health2: "Symptoms of exposure to this class of compounds includes aphthous, stomatitis, catarrhal gingivitis, nausea, liquid stools, pain, liver disorder, injury to the cardiovascular system and hematopoietic system, deafness and ataxia. Exposure may be fatal. Headache, paresthesia of the tongue, lips, fingers and toes, other non-specific dysfunctions, metallic taste, slight gastrointestinal disturbances, excessive flatus and diarrhea may occur. Acute poisoning may cause gastrointestinal irritation and renal failure. Early signs of severe poisoning include fine tremors of extended hands, loss of side vision, slight loss of coordination in the eyes, speech, writing and gait, inability to stand or carry out voluntary movements, occasional muscle atrophy and flexure contractures, generalized myoclonic movements, difficulty understanding ordinary speech, irritability and bad temper progressing to mania, stupor, coma, mental retardation in children, skin irritation, blisters and dermatitis. Other symptoms include chorea, athetosis, tremors, convulsions, pain and numbness in the extremities, nephritis, salivation, loosening of the teeth, blue line on the gums, anxiety, mental depression, insomnia, hallucinations and central nervous system effects. Exposure may also cause irritation of the eyes, mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract." References: Here is an excerpt from "The Vaccine Guide: Making an Informed Choice" (Randall Neustaedter, North Atlantic Books, 1996): "Sensitivities to thimerosal in vaccines apparently develop as a result of previous vaccinations (Förström et al., 1980). Even the minute amount of thimerosal used in vaccines (.1 to .01%) can specifically stimulate the immune system and cause sensitization (Aberer, 1991). Mercury is a violent poison with many toxic effects. The toxicity of mercury varies depending on the form in which the element appears. Metallic mercury has different effects than inorganic or organic mercury compounds. However, major differences in toxicity are not expected among the different compounds within the inorganic group of mercury salts (Clement, 1992)... ...The neurologic toxicity symptoms caused by mercury compounds have a delayed onset after exposure (Bakir et al, 1973), which may have significance for the suspected long-term neurologic symptoms of learning disabilities and behaviour disorders associated with vaccines. (For full references, refer to book.)"
Goop Indeed!
What a desperate and weak response complete with a personal attack against a CZ member who has full privileges and their own forum, whose articles about the toxic remedy have been awarded BSA's by a member who is banished to a tiny corner of CZ for being a mainstream troll and who had a response to one of his posts here awarded a RRR.
You can squeal all you want, DB, but your standing and support is an open book for all to see.
Once again, DB, the task is quite simple: find me one person who took my advice or who took oleander or any other recommended item and was harmed in any way - or else shut up. Just one. You can't do it and so you resort to slurs and lies and cut and paste mainstream justifications.
Once again, DB, you have an insurmountable problem with this crowd who have determined to educate instead of medicate - what you offer is the same tired old profit driven dung from the same folks who have a history of feeding us heaping bowls of it, selling us on the benefits while giving us death in the form of Vioxx, Bextra, Alleve, FenFen, and Tobacco. You represent the same folks who are still maintaining that Gardasil, Fosamax, Aspartame, and all your other precious vaccines and medicines are safe and that nature itself is unsafe and quackery.
OK, let's go to your profile and pull up all of your R and above posts. All 1 of them.
Then let's do the same for me. 117 for DQ and 73 for Tony Isaacs.
Now you may consider those "gold stars" or "bull sh*t awards" as you termed it in yet another insult against CureZone, but the people who run and moderate this forum consider the posts they award as having made valid points and valuable contributions to this forum - and that is what I am here for, to contribute. I think we all KNOW what you are here for, and that is why you were banned from support forums.
No matter what you may SAY you are here for, one thing is abundantly clear - you are out of place and out of step here and there is no way you can deny that fact or hide from it.
The same as you cannot dodge this:
Once again, DB, you have an insurmountable problem with the group of people here at Curezone who have determined to educate instead of medicate - what you offer is the same tired old profit driven dung from the same folks who have a history of feeding us heaping bowls of it, selling us on the benefits while giving us death in the form of Vioxx, Bextra, Alleve, FenFen, and Tobacco. You represent the same folks who are still maintaining that Gardasil, Fosamax, Aspartame, and all your other precious vaccines and medicines are safe and that nature itself is unsafe and quackery.
And you call that debate?
Once again, DB, you have an insurmountable problem with the group of people here at Curezone who have determined to educate instead of medicate - you have been identified as a mainstream troll and banned from support forums because you are out of step with the members who do not wish to inject themselves with toxins and who have no desire to be victims in the mainstream medicine system of managed illness. What you offer is the same tired old profit driven propaganda from the same folks who have a history of feeding us heaping bowls of it, selling us on the benefits while giving us death in the form of Vioxx, Bextra, Alleve, FenFen, and Tobacco. You represent the same folks who are still maintaining that Gardasil, Fosamax, Aspartame, and all your other precious vaccines and medicines are safe and that nature itself is unsafe and quackery.
Not sure about the Antic Rhino guise or the master vampire himself, but it is only a matter of time.
You might even want to watch your own act a bit more closely, old curmudgeon. By his own actions, nothing is too vile to say when it comes to Corinthian - though I refuse to stoop to his level in a public forum, but I think it may be a different matter when it comes to CZ members in good or even reasonably good standing.
Frankly, I am not sure where the line is - but wherever it is, Corinthian has crossed it. Not only did he cross it, he made it into something personal, and not for the first time. Not only has he accused me of causing deaths and slandered my name and motives, he has also called a true angel on earth "an old hag", also more than once and that may be the one that makes me the maddest of all.
As a result it will now play itself out until only one of us is left standing.
Corinthian is very transparent. His vile attacks and irrational hatred go much farther than mainstream medicine. Something serious is going on below the surface.
Whether Corinthian has meant the accusations hurled at DQ, aka Tony Isaacs, or not is a moot point. This goes way beyond freedom of speech and is actually slander, defamatory, and can truly hurt someone and negatively impact their life. Corinthian is in no way debating current issues, he merely has a vendetta against Tony Isaacs. Why? I don't have a clue, but those are the facts.
I assume by reading these posts that Antic Rhino was banned? I thank you.
Luella May
"it looks like Corinthian has also been accused of being is also John C and Muad_Dib"
That could be - but on the other hand YOU have been identified as actually being Corinthian, same ISP and all. As many additional IDs as you have had, no wonder there has been no end to the speculation of which ones you might have had. As you well know, John C and Maud Dib are not two of your creations.
Keep up the personal attacks on me and NONE of your IDs will be around.
Never has there been a more deserved banning. Corinthian is no more - though I am sure other IDs will surface, and they too will be banned if he continues his filthy lies and misbehavior.
This is the most ignorant pro vaccine argument I have ever seen. The following statement is classic.
"It would be fascinating to engage an antivaccinationist who makes the claim that he is not “antivaccine” but “antitoxin” or “pro-vaccine safety” in a discussion and ask him this hypothetical question: If formaldehyde, “antifreeze,” aluminum, thimerosal, and every chemical in vaccines circulating in all those lists on antivaccination websites that so frighten you were somehow absolutely removed from the standard childhood vaccines so that not a single molecular remained, would you then vaccinate your child?
You are even going to have mainstream folks running to get as far as they can from vaccines.
By the way, the link is ignorant too.