hi there. iam 32 yrs old. since the age of 10 when i had my first major IBS attack, which after 3 kids and natural childbirth, iam very mch used to pain, and found it to be similar in what a horrid attack for me feels like, it has progressively gotten worse thru the years, and this might sound gaspy, cause i know my husband complains he hurts if he doesn't go in a day much less weeks, but i personally go to the bathroom and i mean anything coming out (sorry tmi) not even alot, minimum of 2 weeks, and my record is 6 wks and 2 days. i've been in the hospital emergency troom only 3 times to get it extracted over all of these years, when i've had a thousand or more attacks, cause it's embarassing, and now i learned i'm not going to die from it, and i battle it out, and my system has unfortunately become very enema dependant. it started where suppositories stopped working, OTC laxatives of all kinds, and then 1 enema was not enough, sometimes not two, and when i have a bad attack, i sometimes take 3 or even 4 just to try and relieve myself, which sucks and i know is not good at all, but i can't stand the pain. usually its a plug of hardness that eventually leads to diahreah in alot of cases. anyone who was not able to handle pain as well as i, would have lost it years ago but this is ok..has been 'just me' and aside from 2 colonoscopies over the course of years, a barium enema, which the way it was done and from what i remember would never wanna repeat, and a GI series, all they have come up with, is that i have a sluggish bowel...and am enema dependant (duh), and 1 guy said to me, 'this is just you..how u are' and one said 'we can shorten the intestines thru surgery' NOT! ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDIN ME?
i have been very shocked that after so many years and soooo many painful events that there has never been tears found or poyps, or something in there, no abnormalities they can see w/ their scopes. i guess the marker test showed the sluggishness idk, but recently i've become fed up with my husband becoming the enema buying man at right aid, in there buying 6 packs all the time, poor dear, but i usually run out at a bad moment, so he's a dear, but i heard about colonics, and after much time and dragging of feet yesterday i had one. i had no idea i couldn't just go once in awhile, and that'd be good for me, she suggested 3 times in one week, which eventhough it hurt my anus (sorry so tmi) less then the enemas and diaheara would have, afterwards at home, not until evening, i had another BM, and today my hide is sore, so i can't imagine going right on back in, lol. honestly it isn't so much the pain and bad cycle iam in that caused me to take this action, i am having skin woes now come on fast and furious that i have no clue why, or how, and its made me crazy, hair thinning, premature aging, i just feel like maybe all these toxins are harming me both inside and out, cause there are no other explainations, and so yes, most of my reason may have been vanity, i now think about it, and how much food goes in and doesn't come out, that i want my kids to have a healthy mom for a long time, so iam scared now, and glad i took this step, but they cost over $200 a piece where i live, so 3 is a toughie in one week, plus i got roped into buying some powder and capsules, though nothing any dr gave me prescription or herbal has ever helped, i still did it...we'll see, that was an extra $70. kind of weird taking something that says 'live organsims' in it..anyone know about that? taking bacteria is good for me? i didn't really get it, but it made sense when they said it, i have little hope in the powder.
thing is, if the
colonic is not supposed to cause alot of discomfort and be peaceful..what is wrong with me? she started me out at 30 minutes, i was relieved when it was over, but since she came in and saw my pipes were still flushin she left it on another 10 which yes iam glad for, but at the time sort of kind of wasn't. the good part was watching it in order to take my mind off the contractions i was having. it was a lesser form of labor contractions, but only by like 35%, to me, it was contraction after contraction. i was not tensed up, i know that does not help only hinders, as i learned with my 1st child, lol, and so i was relaxed and all, but every 15 seconds or so, i'd contract and eventually would have to push out a bit. sometimes when i do go #2 my body takes over the pushing, and something causes it w/o my help its very bizarre, it doesn't happen alot, maybe 2 times out of 10, but sometimes u can't help it. i believe it was very effective and going in i thought maybe once every month, or two, even three, but she wants me in soo many times.
i understand i got an extreme cause of severe IBS, iam not rich enough to buy a package to save a few dollars, and individually w/ 3 kids and my husband was out of work for some time, cause of an operation, it isn't easy to just go like whenever, BUT that being said i don't want the next one to be spaced so far like even 2 wks from now, making the first ineffective? if that makes any sense? its not something i will be looking forward to, not cause of the $ even, put that aside, but the cramps from the contractions, not quite as bad as my own attacks at home, and surely much kinder to the anus, but the whole session is full of not fun contractions, and all the websites say peaceful. last night i went alittle that was it, but i had a massive gass attack in my gut and chest that evening, is that normal after this to have? cause i actually dropped onto my knees for a second i had such a sharp pain, my husband was scared for me, but i was ok. obviously it was severe gas, is it related or heavy coincidence?
will it always 'hurt' me during these proceures or will my bowel stop contracting so frequently and harshly even if that is what gets the stuff out and iam glad now, it wasn't pleasent, and how often did u go at first and will my body EVER get off the enemas, and start going normally? i feel my chances of that are shot at this point, and iam only 32, so all i've known is this, and baffeled drs but have gotten no relief or great answers. like i said WEEKS AND WEEKS W/O #2 i can imagine whats goin on in there and how it affects my skin etc. i just wanna be normal, and have no pain, normal skin, not feel tired, and depressed, and have some life in me.
i do exercise regularly, and i do drink a TON of water. i hate it and several years ago i didn't drink any but for a few yrs now, i drink gallons of filtered water a day, and salads and grains, it just doesn't seem to have an effect. icecream and salad might sometimes bring on cramps but that doesn't always lead to anything happening, and my epiosdes are spaced further apart now, making it longer between pain but between poops to. idk if the colon can kill me cause of this, i sure hope not, i just wanna be normal
thanks for readin soo much. sorry for mispellings etc i don't have time to re-read but i hope it makes sense and i thank you for your time.
hugs, shelly