So, I have been doing some figur'in, and have contemplated on some interesting concepts.
During the first Gulf war, there is some speculation of the release of biological or chemical weapons within conventional exchanges with the enemy {released by enemy}. Some of these agents were mycoplasma type agents, among many other forms. Sensitive detection equipment was not always deployed. Anyhooo, the destruction of storage bunkers did release all sorts of nasty stuff.
So, soldiers come home and many start becoming ill with chronic fatigue, and a multitude of symptoms.
Many did not report, for fear of losing military positions etc.
More importantly, family members were coming down with similar problems. Too similar.
Another thing people do not know [for good reason....I should be careful here..] Is that people in the same work places of family members and vets were coming down with tell-tale symptoms.
This story can be followed in all countries involved.
So lets take a look at mycoplasmal type infections. Some illnesses implicated by this bacteria include; CFS, FMS, AIDS, MS, ALS, Lupus, Graves,
Arthritis and most other autoimmune disorders plus allergies, chemical sensitivities,
food intolerances etc.
Some strains KNOWN to affect humans include: M. fermentans, M penetrans, M pneumoniae, M genitalium, M pirum, M hominis.
Now for some good news.
Those patients [mycoplasma positive] which participated in treatment programs responded and some were cured.
It involve strategic
Antibiotic therapy.
At first there were many complications, then after breaks, had relapses. The therapy continued, and after rotating medications, the relapses became less and less until some people fully recovered and tested negative for mycoplasmas.
Some of the
Antibiotics involved in the therapy were; doxycycline, ciprofloxin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, and minocycline.
Although I do not endorse the fortuitous use of
Antibiotics , I would like to know if these could prevent a lifetime of illness and re-occurring infections and co-infections.
Just MY OPINION---------------------------------------------------Shroom