I dunno - I have read a lot of rediculous things in my day. A lot of them right here at CZ too! LOL. That one ranks up there, I will have to agree.
If all metals are bad I guess the iron in our blood pretty much dooms us, huh? Not to mention the fact that metals are in practically everything we eat and drink.
85% bacteria? That would pretty much make us sponge creatures wouldn't it? But wait - all those metals should have killed off all the bacteria so we must be . . . ghosts? Hmmm . . . . I always wondered whose cosmic dream I was a part of.
OK, seriously now, I have seen information on the web to the effect that colloidal silver only destroys anerobic bacteria and does not harm the good bacteria, but that does not agree with what I have seen elsewhere (although it does seem to agree with actual practice of using colloidal silver regularly). I have also seen the reports about distilled water leaching minerals from the body, but that is by far a minority view and studies I have seen do not support the proposition.
When it comes to water, I believe that the best you can do is pure spring water with minerals but no pesticides or other contaminants if you can find it. Here in the hill country of Texas where I live, we have artesian wells that provide the local water. At one time Utopia Spring Water from the wells was sold widely, but then Perrier/Ozarka bought them out, operated them a couple of years and shut the operation down - which was no doubt the intention all along.
If a person is depending on their water to supply their minerals, then distilled water is not such a good idea without supplementation. And regardless, our soils are now so stripped of vital minerals and trace minerals that it is virtually impossible to obtain all the minerals humans have had in their diets for eons. It is estimated that the best of soils only have a couple of dozen minerals and trace minerals in any significant amount within the top eight feet now, except in very isolated locations. Most mineral supplements are woefully short of the 60 or more trace minerals needed for optimum health, and most supplements also are comprised of rock minerals that are not easily digested and utilized by the body.
The best source of minerals that I know of are the plant derived minerals from the mineral rich prehistoric deposits in Utah. I take them daily and get them from CureZone sponsor Utopia Silver Supplement company. Yeah, this is a plug, but since I am not putting in my affiliate link it does me no good. In fact, not only will I forego my affiliate link, I will give you the discount code where CureZone members can get 15% off any item US sells that is not currently on sale: LR001.
Here is the link to the minerals:
I am in the middle of writing an article about the vital importance of trace minerals (like essential vitamins, major minerals and enzymes, nothing works as well as it should without them and deficiencies can lead to major problems). For those who can't wait, here is a much larger pdf file of a booklet named The Root of All Disease (revised). It contains a few typos, and for some reasons a lot of strange hyphenations, but I recommend it highly until my Cliff Notes version comes out: