I'm sure that UT doesn't cure all diseases but it has cured some of my difficulties including pre-cancerous lesions which had to burned off every six months prior to UT. Could the placebo effect cure pre-cancer? I don't know and I don't care. My night vision has significantly improved too along with a lowering of my eye pressure from 42-43 to 21-23. Placebo? I doubt it. If I quit UT for a couple of days my night vision problems return - full blast. I drink anywhere from one and a half cups to five cups a day.
I'm sure there are many allopathic and alternative therapies that are primarily placebo because the human spirit can heal anything.
Sorry to hear that you haven't received benefits. If I were you I'd go over to the MMS Support Forum and see if MMS might offer you some help. It didn't do anything for me but there are people there that swear it cures anything.
I think you are trying hard but not doing right, dont give up youe hope. Just do right, you should read UT good books or contact UT therapist in India. You will be cured sooner or later. I am confident that you will be cured. Good luck.