The words are really not important. I know that sounds odd, but it's the feeling you want to connect to, not the words.
In your shoes, I would start to focus on the childhood traumas. Take them one at a time. As you remember the details of a trauma, check that your feelings have been triggered and you are feeling the feelings .. at that stage, just tap all the points. You don't even need to say any words. If you're tuned in, there's a lot of electricity going on.
You can use some words that are vague like "even though I have this issue, I deeply and completely love/accept/approve of myself" - as long as you are FEELING, then the words are irrelevant.
Sometimes, I am working with someone who is remembering a trauma, I don't even go into words, I just reach over to them and tap them all over.
All you are looking for is RELIEF from the original feeling.
Does that help?