Hi Nad, I have a good idea what happened. I also have suggestions to help avoid further problems. I think you really dumped a lot of toxins all at once and your exits were not open to expelling them.
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement will over time open the exit routes. It will appearantly disolve toxic plaques in all your organs in arteries. This will allow the Kidneys, liver, arteries, lungs, and bowels to function much better.
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement seems to work on a top to bottom cleanse so it makes sence to me that if to much gets to the exit it will become blocked. Like a theatre where someone yells fire the doors will become blocked and people will try to leave over fallen bodies until no one can get out so they have to break down the walls. Your skin is the last resort and took a beating. You could benefit from taking sennacot laxative, a colonic, or a coffee enema, drinking more water, breathing deeply, depleating oxygen like walking or exercise. I keep telling myself this is not a race but get caught up in that thinking to often. Even though I have made a lot of improvements by taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement I want to be totally clear of any pathogens and I am not there yet. Keep up the good work. What kind of a liver cleanse did you use? I am currently drinking Apple cider and planning to do a liver cleanse soon. Best wishes hope this helps MW