Hi Bling and everyone, :)
So I am back from the shop and keeping my promise:)
First of all, I have made my mind up and I will go just for TEN days. Why? - Due to my time frames. My day 10 will be over tomorrow about midnight but I have decided not to break it exactly that time. I will do it as soon as I wake up on Friday morning. I am off that day so I will do it in a right way. I was recommended to drink half of a cup of an orange juice every hour throughout a day. Also I can drink that day (in the same amounts) fresh grapefruit, tomato,
Watermelon juices. So I will do it properly this time coz I don't want to mess up all my efforts. Also I was recommended to add gradually the amount of food I eat starting with very small portions. I need to do all this refeading period gradually up till 10 days.
Also partly I want to end my fast earlier coz on 10th of March the main Fast (Lent) according to my believe will start. I am Orthodox and it is very important (main) fast. Ideally we are not allowed to eat any animal products for about one and a half months. So I want to enjoy my salmon and probiotic organic yogurts (without sugar) to the full. Plus I do need time (ideally one week) before I move there (to start my new job).
I have already bought a lot of mainly organic fruits and vegetables. Can't wait to eat them all (gra-du-all-y):)... Looking forward to it, to be honest.
Yes, I could say my fast was not difficult at all. May be even easy. More or less from the very first day I didn't have hunger (it was manageable). Fast was trouble free (with the exception of feeling very cold ones and for the last 3-4 days I have that unpleasant feeling in the area of ribs). My energy level was in 90% was ok. So what else could I wish for?? Time pass very quickly and I just count days:)... I do think I could go for longer. YEP.. I have no doubts about it. But I have to stop... I read somewhere that a fast can't be considered as such unless it is at least 10 days. So tomorrow I will have those 10 days plus (a kind of bonus for my body:)) several hh up till next morning. For me it is quite an achievement. I AM VERY PROUD OF MYSELF:)).. I know, unfortunately, I can't fix my stomach properly now but still some repairs have already taken place there so it is BETTER than nothing:).. My tonque is getting a bit pink. Well, not really but the very tip of it is pink (heart) and getting pinkie from sides. An area responsible for stomach could be cleared on a last stage:(.. but it is ok. I will 'fix' it in the process of eating:)
I didnt loose much weight and I am happy about it!:) I can easily loose 2 lbs and still look not that lean. I guess my body decided so:).. I am quite happy with my skin. It is MUCH better than it has been before. But when I was on right combining for two and a half months some years ago, it was just great! No problem I will improve it. I know THE WAY!:)).. Also today I have noticed my nails are getting whiter but before they had yellowish colour.
What else to add? Today was normal day. Busy at work. Usual amount of energy (like when I am not fasting), didn't feel cold. Pain (unpleasant feeling) is still present in an area of stomach. About midday it was under both ribs for same time then stopped and about 4 p.m (as usual) was back again up till now (left side under a rib and goes a bit down). HOPE main 'fixing' of that area will be completed by the morning of 22nd :/....:)
I hope by this time my candida issue is sorted out. SHOULD be.
Bling, why juice fast? With a
Water Fast at least u shouldn't clean a juicer;):D.. I am telling u, eat healthy for just one day (the way I have described before) and u will be fine with a water fast!
Ok, whatever decision u make - good luck!:) If u decide that juice fast is an option then don't forget to remove all pulp from ur juices (with tea strainer with tiny holes, for example).