You can lead the horse to the water..
I note that there are a lot of threads about fermented products, cabbage etc. This is great and a step in the right direction however kefir is still the superior choice however, and is absolutely well complemented by fermented cabbage.
For anybody who is now saying, "but I cannot tolerate the milk" You can actually CONSUME THE LIVE GRAINS THEMSELVES.
Here is a decent link explaining about kefir etc, if you know about kefir and how to produce it you can scroll down the page to the section titled "HOW TO CULTURE KEFIR" Locate the last paragraph in that section and it reads as follows.
"If you make kefir every day then the Kefir grains should double in quantity every week. One report from a commercial manufacture, indicates that Kefir grows faster below 28 degrees Celsius. Kefir grains are edible and according to some sources have documented anticancer properties. Blend them into a banana smoothie, add them to a raw cheesecake, eat them as they are or share them with a friend."
DOM's kefir site is excellent and provides infomation regarding just about every aspect relating to kefir you can think of. Somewhere on this site DOM also says that you can consume grains themselves, goodluck finding it though as the site is a long read !
I'm posting this to purge any unfounded fears people have regarding consuming the grains themselves.
The grains are alive and vastly superior to any pro-biotic powder you would pay a lot of hard earned money for and they are stronger than fermented cabaage (and dont smell), having said that fermenting cabbage is great and will help you !