Old large stones stones are often black and can be over 1" in diameter. They dr put a few of these in a jar from my mama when he took her gallbladder out. I've seen these same things in my toilet doing liver flushing.
I've viewed hundreds of pictures of removed gallbladders over the last 2 yrs and have seen some that are jam packed with the pea sized green stones. Drs really shouldn't use olive oil during surgery, huh?
I've passed thosands of stones and have relieved God awful pain in my body and am now digesting my food, something I wasn't doing when I came here!!
I fell out of the attic, within hours, there were what I recognized as gallstones in my toilet ... no oil, no grapefruit juice. I do not recommend bouncing on your butt from 8' for ridding ones body of gallstones, buttpee and the taste of the cocktails are much to be prefered!!!!!
My non-expert, but experienced opinion is that the soap-stone naysayers can bite me.