Hi there. It's such a simple question for such a complex issue. I have some understanding of where you're coming from with eating related problems. The more and more you worry/obsess, the more they draw you in! Have you ever looked at the Law of Attraction? I'm not 100% down with all it's claims about the "how" and "why" it all works, but I absolutely believe that it works in almost all scenarios for some very real concrete reasons.
Eating disordered behavior (of which I've had some) is something that the more you fight, the more it feels like you have to fight. To me, the answer involves a lot of work on yourself, but the direction to go is absolutely focusing on how to be rather than on how not to be. By learning how you would ideally like to eat, look and feel about it all that in and of itself is a major part of the process. Just last year I was starting to binge (and with that, sometimes purge) and feel more out of control. It was very frustrating, as if I'd lost all the progress I'd made. But somehow I got back on the path of searching for health (not fighting bulemia). I am currently playing with the raw food diet. It helps a lot for me not having sugar/junk cravings and I eat a lot of food that I like. I plan to eat almost 100% raw until I feel very healthy and am at a good weight, then I may relax to something like 80% raw or maybe less.
It's so hard to have an 'answer' because eating is so very personal. I've studied it in psychology class, done research papers, experienced some myself, read tons of online blogs for people advocating and recovering from eating disorders. This is a process. You may slip back a it, like the bunny hop, 3 hops forward, 2 back. In my case, overall I am moving forward, so this is good.
My suggestion: check out LOA. I think this is very important for eating issues because the thinking pattern of those with ED tendencies can become negative and feed upon itself. The mindset must be altered. Next, work on your ideal eating and how you would feel eating a certain way. One of my ideals is to feel relaxed about food, rather than crazed. Another of mine is eating a high amount of raw foods and veggies, maybe sometimes lean meats. Curezone is an excellent place for you to look at dietary ideas and have support from people trying it. Third, you can come here for support. If you want to talk details or just have support, I'm around. There are other forums that are more active. I find it encouraging that you are looking to stay healthy and are aware of triggers. Last, having a healthy outlook on your diet is important, I think, because many of those with ED tendencies will "relapse" if they gain too much weight. Being of a healthy weight without too much excess will make it easier to stay healthy mentally as well and to feel good physically and mentally.
I hope this helped. It seems a lot of rambling but maybe there's some stuff in this message that you can use. Take care of u.