i have read a lot of your posts on this forum, thanks so much for your thoughtful input. I just started my journey with
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement on Thursday night, with 2 drops of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement & as of this morning, Saturday I am up to 6 drops. The smell of this stuff at even 6 drops is pretty awful, I could smell it in the next room! So I'm wondering how I will get up to 15 drops! I am drinking it with about 1/2 cup a water. Next i will try juice if i can find some juice without added vitamin C. I thought that the cranberry juice I had didn't have Vit. C added but alas, it does. It is
Sugar frr, not vitamin C free. Anyway, I just came across this online so thought of you, since you are trying to get past the blood brain barrier for your Herpes:
'DMSO is especially effective with brain cancer patients because of how quickly it gets past the blood-brain barrier, but it can be used productively with any type of cancer.
In a case study, one brain cancer patient had a tumor in his brain pressing against one of his optic nerves. When he mixed DMSO with the cesium chloride he could literally feel the cesium chloride and DMSO getting into his tumor within 15 minutes. He could feel it because his tumor was pressing against an optic nerve."
I know that you don't have cancer, but this article does mention that DMSO does get past the brain barrier quickly, and I know that you are considering it's use. I hope this helps...